
Chapter 41: Ten Things I Hate About Shrews, Part 10

And now, it's Lavian's turn to narrate the final two things she and Alexa Holmes hate about Juan Miguel Juvama.

Judging from her face, she herself wants to finish off with a bang, so to speak.


Thank you, Alexa, for sticking up for me.

Now then, the ninth thing I hate about that creep is his lack of common sense.

This is related to the second and fifth things.

With his degrading mental health – and he denies this outright – it's easy for him to get overly dramatic, not having any common sense to calm down even in the most tense of situations and come up with logical solutions that are definitely not products of his emotional bursts.

A former co-worker of his has this to say about him, in a private message sent to Alexa.

"Hi. I'm Yuki Rivero, and I currently work at Double-edged Pen, Inc.'s HR department.

"Juan Miguel Juvama once worked alongside me, until I and my co-workers couldn't stand his toxic attitude and reported him to the top brass. When they found out about his shenanigans, he was fired post-haste.

"Now then. I'll narrate several instances where what he said or did lacked any shred of common sense.

"First off, he mouthed me off regarding our bets for Miss Canada.

"I picked the eventual winner, Miranda St. Nicholas, because she shined in the evening gown portion, and her answers in the question-and-answer portion were astounding.

"But Juan Miguel, being the pervert that he is, bet on Ute Johanna Hassler, mainly due to two reasons. She was the sexiest out of all the contestants, having that 'legendary' hourglass figure, and… she was also the youngest.

"I even witnessed him salivating like a dog when the swimsuit portion was on.

"And when Miranda St. Nicholas won the title, I could see him throwing a hissy fit, which prompted me to say the following to him...

"'Come on, it's just a beauty pageant, man. Have some simple common sense. I wouldn't have picked Miranda if I calculated all the possibilities where she could win. Why are you trying to stir up drama just because your bet didn't win?'

"Of course, he never let up his hissy fit.

"'On what planet are you on, huh? Your simping for Miranda is too much for me to bear. Add to that the part where she clearly tripped during the evening gown portion, which should've given minus points to her. And don't even get me started with her Oscar-level performance after that blunder.'

"I bit back… 'No, you! All the time, you were clearly staring at her chest and her buns. Even our female co-workers were annoyed when you hogged the view.'

"The second instance was when I saw him on a social media blocking spree.

"That was after he made a post defending the catcallers who wrecked trouble at a bar, but were fortunately kicked out by the bouncers.

"I unknowingly saw his blocking spree while I was enjoying my afternoon tea, and he momentarily dozed off on his chair. I sat behind him, by the way.

"When he woke up, I of course had the gall to call him out on his bullcrap.

"'Instead of having a normal argument, why try to block or silence an idea, a person. Just because you get offended?

"'True masculinity is dying, that's why males like you are becoming so easily offended. They want to crawl into their own little holes instead of admitting they are wrong.

"'You know, deep inside, I am laughing and want to put salt on your wounds. But I will actually not. I will just move on and feel sorry for all your efforts. If the catcallers you defended weren't kicked out, probably it's the other way around, more bullying, more toxicity.'

"With that blunt statement of mine, I could feel his blood boil, and I could sense him crumpling his fist, ready to punch me to kingdom come.

"But I already anticipated his move.

"When he threw the punch at me, I methodically dodged sideways, hoping to let him trip on his own feet due to using too much leverage on that single punch alone.

"And he did.

"But instead of laughing at him for being hoisted by his own petard, I just returned to my own seat, letting him fix his own problem.

"The third instance was during the company vacation last year, in sunny Miami.

"While we employees were all chilling at a hotel pool under the hot Florida sun…

"I could hear boisterous laughter from nearby.

"And I knew very well its source.

"Yes, it's that chud again.

"He was just maniacally laughing while holding his phone tight.

"I thought at first that he just read a really funny joke.

"But then… I could sense some malice in his laugh.

"Trying to keep up my professionalism even while on vacation, I approached him and simply inquired…

"'What are you laughing about?'

"He quickly responded, 'Oh, that? Here, get a load of this. Ahahahaha! Serves her right! Ahahahaha!!!'

"He showed me his phone, and his screen displayed some pretty grim news.

"'Yurika Rukawa Splits from Husband Over Financial Difficulties'.

"If I recall correctly, Yurika was a common classmate of me and him back in grade 12.

"She, as a naturalized Canadian of Japanese origin who is now an established philanthropist, wanted to marry a white man.

"But that dream of hers shattered into pieces when she and her husband of six years had to end over their failed business.

"And Juan Miguel always mocked her due to her incredible shyness, which she still has up to this day.

"Once I knew the context behind that pestiferous laugh, I told him right to his face, as he was sipping on his mojito...

"'Don't celebrate anyone's bad situation. It's a sign of fanaticism.'

"He just bit back, 'And what of it, blockhead? She deserves it! Her shyness is her greatest liability! She'll never get anywhere in life, especially back in good ol' British Columbia! I hope she just uses her shyness for the one and only thing she's good at… you know… the oldest profession! Ahahahaha!'"