
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · 奇幻
64 Chs


But it wasn't...

The ground began to break apart and the chunks floated high above the tallest buildings, before dropping back down.

The others were able to take care of the people and most of the property...from the falling rock, but the tsunami heading their way was a different story.

Some of the chunks made it out of the earth's atmosphere and started collecting together again, she was making a new moon...or moons...she was turning the entire planet into its same mass of planetary satellites.

Felix turned back but was flung towards a wall by a strong wind.

He landed on his hands and feet, and super jumped off when a strong wind broke through the wall.

Felix looked at Alexa, who was on the floor, crying for Yokkan, then at Yikora, her remains floating in the air, then finally, at Ms Terratikka, who slowly turned to face him too.

A two tonne rock fell over him and he was able to hold it above his head, despite it forcing down.

The rock cracked all the way through, but its own gravity forced it back together, making the ground crack as well and slowly swallow him, while closing and crushing his legs in the process.

Felix yelled as the pressure built up and Manfred knew this was all his fault, but he had to do something...

Golden and orange fur started growing all over his body and his hands and arms shrunk and grew claws, with his legs doing the same.

His eight tails grew out then he roared and dashed at Ms Terratikka, who closed her eyes and embraced her death as he bit her neck.

Felix yelled her name as everything started falling apart, literally.

He threw the rock, far away then ran towards him then asked,"What have you done?"

"The biggest mistake in my life...she will be fine, but I can't promise she wouldn't do worse once she wakes up."

"...then let's go back to before she became like this."

Manny looked at him, then sighed, it had to work...

The group appeared in the past, before Ms Terratikka had gone on rampage, then Manny saw her sitting on the bed, in a different position.

He walked towards her and called,"Terry?"

She looked at him, and he saw her blood red eyes, as she said,"I betrayed you..."

"No, no, no, Terratikka, you didn't, I just should have been more understanding I wish I could change the past, but, maybe we could build a better future instead."

She looked into his eyes and a tear dripped down as she said,"You don't care about me, do you?"

"What? Of course I do."


A force tore through the room and exploded the windows, doors and even walls open, as she said,"All you care about is your joy and your comfort, you never cared about me! Now, you've proven me right, the only reason you came to apologize was so I wouldn't destroy this world, well then, we shall die together..."

The ground began to crack again and the others saw what was happening from beyond the room, it was happening again.

Portia ran into the room, screaming Ms Terratikka's name, then a table of glass objects was flung at her but she passed through it.

Felix went to Mequa, the wielder of the crystal of the sun, then said,"You're her opposite, can't you do something?!"

"...I could...make the sun shine through the clouds."

"What?! No!"

"...I could...make a solar flare to incinerate this half of the planet."

"What?!! No!!"

"...I could...make the sun move closer to the planet."

"What?!!! Ugh, this is pointless anyway."

Portia ran towards Ms Terratikka, who was levitating, with the floating debris encapsulating her in a form of small satellite, when Portia hugged her tightly and said,"I love you..."

Ms Terratikka's eyes blinked as tears floated into the air, then she hugged Portia back and cried in her arms.

Time was reversed and everything was back to normal, apart from the group in the mansion, who looked at the two ladies, crying in each others arms.

Ms Terratikka whispered and said,"I'm sorry..."

She looked at all of us with her pretty brown eyes then said,"All of you, please, forgive me."

Alexa was the first to run and embrace her, then Aeric, Skylar being the last, and Manny, standing by.

When everyone had let her go, Ms Terratikka didn't even look at Manny as she said,"Manny, this wouldn't work between us, I think it best if you left."

"But Terra..."

"I said leave!"

He nodded, then walked to Portia, who hugged him tightly as he slowly vanished...


Skylar slowly walked towards Ms Terratikka with his hands in his pockets then sat besides her.


"Is it something you'd like to talk about?"

"... you'd probably say I'm overreacting."

"Why would I lie to you? What you did was actually more rational than most people in your position would, you tried your best to love him and even brought him across the Multiverse to be with you and he couldn't be patient or understanding enough to wait for you when you were with him every other day then he cheated on you, you were right to make him leave."

"But it's just...I can't help but blame him for all my problems, and yet know he fixed them, I loathe him, yet love him, I don't know what I feel."

"It's normal for people to be confused in your situation, just give it time, you'd find someone else."

"But I don't want anyone else, I want him and no one..."

She burst into gentle sobs.

He caressed her back as she lay on his chest, then she said she needed to be alone.

After he left, she took the last remaining picture between herself and Manny that she hadn't either burned, torn apart, sent into an inter dimensional star or all three, then ran her thumb over it as it blurred and lost colour, then regained its pigmentation as she caused it to return to the present, she couldn't forget him.