
SWORDSWOMAN: The Few Unrecorded Decades

There was a forgotten era in the history of cultivation where the bloodlines of sword cultivators have evolved and learned to manifest their individual weapon using inner force and the depth of their wills. Barbarians are known to be a group of diverse people. Some of their members are criminals, murderers, fighters, robbers and even lone cultivators. Facing against the forces of barbarians a young emperor in the Empire of He, named He Mo seeks assistance to the Sword Cultivator Clan to drive the barbarians away from his territory. The leader of the Sword Cultivator Clan provided oddly two swordswomen as an aid. His journey then began with one of the swordswomen in his side. Indulge in this era! Discover the underlying events of their time and together let's unravel how their decades became unrecorded in the history of mankind!

inflict · 奇幻
344 Chs

Wulin Forest

The imperial soldiers of Ning Empire scanned the aftermath of their fight. The whole river is covered with blood as it mixed with the water of the Yellow River.

"Your majesty, General Ming Cheng is alive!" one of the soldiers reported when he discovered the general was tied on the ground.

King Ru Ning was delighted of the news! They tended General Ming Cheng and although he was unconscious they can still feel his pulse.

"Send the General to the capital." King Ru Ning said to the soldiers who discovered the general and the subordinates immediately left.

"We must take precautionary measures. Those bastards who retreated would surely come back and bring reinforcements." King Ru Ning announced.

The soldiers then gathered around him and had a discussion of their formation and strategies. Zi Ye eagerly listens to the instructions like the real ally of King Ru Ning would do.

Meanwhile, Emperor He Mo and Ye Shin made a detour and went on their way to Southeast. They will have to enter the Empire of Ji before they can arrive to their destination.

The plan is to divide the attention of the force of Region A. With King Ru Ning fighting against the Huang Soldiers on the Yellow River, Emperor He Mo shall strike against Emperor Chi Xing at the Empire of Chi!

As they are trekking on the thick woods at fast pace, the moon had already shined in the sky but the two continue on their journey. They have no plans on stopping!

After several hours of coursing to the darkness of the woods, Emperor He Mo halted and Ye Shin quickly stopped her horse.

"We need to change our garments so that we can avoid unnecessary troubles when passing the next empire. Their capital is home of bandits and our clothing is too eye catching." Emperor He Mo said and handed a dark suit to Ye Shin.

The Empire of Ji is located in the southernmost kingdom of Region A. It is also the poorest and most of the people in their city had no hope of getting money other than stealing.

After changing their clothing, the two was about to continue when an old-looking woman strangely emerged from the thick bushes.

"Mister, someone is chasing me! Please, I beg you to help me!" the old woman said and slowly run near them to hide.

This old woman had been secretly watching them for a while when she saw the two changing their outer garments. When she notice that the two is about to leave, she quickly decided to come and ask for help.

Before Emperor He Mo and Ye Shin could speak at the new comer, other men emerged from the wild bushes. They were not just ordinary men!

The clothing that these men wear suggest that they are martial artists!


"There are intruders of Wulin Forest!"

One of the martial artists shouted and alerted his comrades. They immediately surrounded the emperor.

"What are the two of you doing in this area?" their leader started to interrogate them.

"We are just a passerby." Emperor He Mo stated while looking at the man straight in the eyes.

As the leader look upon the young man in front of them, he noticed that this man's facial expression shows something out of his expectation. It looks like he is more annoyed instead of getting scared at them!

The lady standing behind the man is even more surprising. Her face shows extreme calmness!

"Trespassers won't be able to go out alive in our Wulin Territories! You have stepped on your graveyard!" the leader ordered and soon the martial artist started to execute their stance and preparation to attack them.

"You have practice martial arts but act unreasonable." Ye Shin sounded and materialize her Spiral Sword.

"So what if we act unreasonable?"

"What can you do to us with that lousy sword you are holding? Hahaha"

The martial artist had started to mocked at the two. As their laughter continues to grow, one after another the men were silenced! The leader looked around and saw his comrade fell on the ground!

"You-!" the leader did not got a chance to finish uttering whatever he wanted to say.

As the tiny blades of spiral sword struck on the leader, he shall be bringing to the afterlife the words that he was about to speak.

"Little girl, go back to your home. We have taken care of your persuaders." Ye Shin said and the old woman behind them was petrified.

"How could it be? How did you know that I am a girl?" The old woman asked in disbelief.

"We are in rush little girl. Go home." Emperor He Mo said before he turned his back and started his course.

The two continue on their journey thinking that the little girl had gone back to her family. In the stillness of the night, Ye Shin suddenly notice a twig snapped from their back. As she looked back, she made a complete halt. The old woman was following them!

"Your majesty." Ye Shin softly called the young emperor.

Emperor He Mo eyed the old woman.

"Don't follow us, little girl. It's dangerous." He told her.

"Mister, only I will be safe if I follow you." the old woman answered.

"What do you mean?" The emperor asked.

"My father is the patriarch of Wulin Temple at the heart of the Wulin Forest. But those bad martial artists killed him. I took this disguise as an old woman to escape." Upon hearing the response, Ye Shin nods her head slightly to the old woman but did not speak. She just glances at the darkness of the woods.

"Then, you can come with us." Emperor He Mo who is already anxious of further delay, immediately made a decision.

They must arrive in Empire of Chi the sooner the better as King Ru Ning may have started another battle with the Huang Empire.

"Then you must call me elder instead of little girl. My disguise will wear off when the sun rise." the litter girl disguised as old woman demanded.

"No more talking." Emperor He Mo said and the three of them go on.

~Empire of Ji

Under the scorching heat of the sun and sea breeze, the three finally arrived at the Empire of Ji. The torn houses along the road are enough evidence of what financial state this kingdom is. As the most southern empire of the region, it is a coastal territory. It faces the sea where tsunamis constantly destroyed the citizen's abode.

Despite of their pitiful situation, children were still able to run on the street with smile in their faces. The little girl disguised as old woman could not help but feel sad as the three of them walked along the Capital of Ji Empire. She had felt hunger but it seems like she had to bear for a little while. The area has no sign of inn or store!

Another evening passed by and the three successfully went through the exit border of Ji Empire. As they entered the Empire of Chi, they immediately notice the huge difference of these two kingdoms.

Tall buildings and nicely furnished house are everywhere. There are lanterns displayed on the street. And the people in the capital of Chi Empire are wearing a totally superior quality of garments.

"Sister can we stop and eat?" the disguised little girl asked Ye Shin.

"You cannot tag along with us, little girl. We will have to part ways here. Take this money to buy food." Ye Shin told the girl and handed her the food.

"Big sister, I have nowhere to go. I grew up in Wulin Temple practicing martial arts every day. But, my father has offended the bad guys and killed my family. If you'll leave me here, I will be killed too." the disguised little girl pleaded.

"You look like an old woman because of your disguise but I never thought that you can think like an elder also!" Emperor He Mo told the girl as they entered a food house.

"Hehe Mister, don't worry I will not disturb you and big sister. You can treat me like I am not here. But you must allow me to follow you." the little girl looked at the young emperor meaningfully.

"Hahaha... Little girl, you have a great future ahead of you. Since you don't have a family, I can introduce you to the Emperor of Hong Empire. With your ability to negotiate, that man will not hesitate to take you. He is a business minded emperor, no one dares to offend him otherwise the price will be dire." Emperor He Mo stated.

There are not many people in the food house. The little girl could not help but smile as she started devouring her food. Even so, the young emperor was in shock to see her appetite!

After having their meal, they strolled on the capital like an ordinary people. The little girl demanded the emperor to buy her a hair stick as they looked at the items on the street. They also managed to rent an inn and took a rest for the rest of the day.

~Empire of Chi, Palace

"Emperor Chi Xing, we have brought you the trusted advisor of Emperor Ma Bing. He is visiting his emperor right now." A servant reported.

"Good! Invite the man here." Emperor Chi Xing ordered the servant. Then he started to think of how he would make the Emperor of Ma pay for destroying the garden of his daughter Chi Jing.

#TGIF Have a great friday, everyone! ^_^

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