
Swords And Magic: The Story of Ex-Special Soldier

Ye Fen was operative of Secret International Military Organization on his last Mission he sacrificed himself to save his comrades when he finally breathed for the last time he thought everything was over but he opened his eyes for one more time and before him was GOD he said he wasn´t supposed to die there so as apologize he will reincarnate him in fantasy world with demons, dragons, demihumans, magic and kingdoms Will Fen Ye be able to live his second life in peace or will he get invovled in politics and wars. Will he become a merchant with a wealthy business or a king of a Massive and powerful kingdom. Fiance to the Demon Princess or somthing else? Will he create a harem? That is yet to see. Author note: Sorry for all the grammar mistakes i can speak fluently english but i still have some gaps in wrting in english This is my first project so i would be glad if you would pointed out mistakes in grammar or story plot And i am open to suggestions about the story so don´t be shy. Thanks :D Tags: #Incest(maybe if you want), #R-18, #Mature, #Adult, #Smut, #Nymph, #Weak to strong MC, #Harem, #Ecchi, #Milf, #Gilf, #Thicc, #Thick, #Handsome MC, #Young & Mature, #Action, #NSFW, #Netori* *Netori will be Mc stealing married wife and things like that i am not going to cuck the MC Please do not expect something miraculous it is my first project like this

the_arbiter · 奇幻
5 Chs


Somewhere in a Helicopter: In the back there were five people with masks on their faces.

"Where are we actually going?" Said one of the people. He was a burly man with a deep voice.

His name was Yuri Vlastovic.

"Did you not listen during the briefing" Said another man he was lean, tall and slim with very few muscles. He was Aaron Walker.

"No, I was sleeping" said Yuri.

"You´re kidding right?" asked another person. She was woman named Ziva Azimov. She was of average height of 5'4 but all her proportions were well balanced her e-cup breasts and big butt, her slim hourglass figure and even though it cloudn´t be seen through the mask her face was beautiful.

She had rare violet eyes that even more enhanced her beauty.She had hair of Auburn color.

Then one more woman joined the argument. "What did you expect from him he never listens he was most likely again past out drunk" This womans name was Wakabayashi Mizuki. Like Ziva She too was beautiful she had d-cup breast small put perky butt and amazing golden hair. Her eyes had beautiful shade of green. She unlike Ziva was tall, she was 6'2.

"How dare you? I was not drunk. I was just tired cause i was on late mission with captian.

Right captain?" Rebuked Yuri.

"Yes, what he´s saying is truth" Said lean and tall man, his body had many muscles, his face was handsome like mix between Chr*s Hemsworth and Brad P*tt. He had beautiful blue eyes and grey hair color. You cloud say he looked like adonis. His name was Ye Fen.

"I know you were tired but still you shouldn´t sleep during breefings." Said Ye Fen.

"Okay okay, I´m sorry." Said Yuri "But still where are we going?"

"We are going in to Iraq there are still cells of many terrorists organizations and one of them became

active last week" Said Ziva

"So cleaning mission?" Asked Yuri

"No" Said Aaron "It´s rescue mission"

"What?" Said Yuri

"They kidnapped son of one of the foreign ambassadors. It still wasn´t made public so we were sent to do it as fast as we can" Said Mizuki

"I see" Nodded Yuri

Then voice was heard from the cabin "ETA 2 Minutes"

"Everyone ready up." Said Ye Fen.





"Damn, There´s so many of them" Said Aaron

"Ziva, Aaron you two prepare an escape route and some vechicle. Mizuki you find some good vantage point and prepare to cover our escape. While me and Yuri will go for the hostage." Said Ye Fen.

"Sir, Yes sir" Said everyone else in unison.

"Alright Yuri let´s go"





As the two of them sneaked through the abandoned factory they started feeling something was not right. There were too little of guards

"Something seems fishy." Said Yuri.

"I think so too" Answered Ye Fen

"Do you see something Mizuki"

"Nothing so far just few guards on roof and outside of the building nothing else" She answered.

"Should I take care of them" She asked

"Do as you wish"

She then fired multiple shots from her sniper rifle Steyr SSG 69. Hitting her every target in a vital spot be it heart, head or lungs.

"What about you Aaron" asked Ye Fen

"We obtained escape vehicle and met little to no ressistance"

"Understood we will talk again when we will have the hostage secured"





"Breach on three" Said Ye Fen to Yuri

"Okay" He answered.




Shots were fired from two sides

It was two against thirty

Ye Fen and Yuri Both threw flasbangs and started running

"Fuck it´s an ambush" Yelled Ye Fen into the radio

"Everybody retreat"

Yuri and Ye Fen runned to the staris but they cloud hear oncoming steps

"Fuck we gotta jump out of the window" Said Ye Fen to Yuri.

Yuri nodded at the suggestion, it was their only option.

There were too many enemy forces behind them.

When they jumped they were baraged by storm of bullets.

When they landed Ye Fen asked "Are you okay"

"No, They got me in the leg"

"They got me two times in the side and in the shoulder." Answered Ye Fen

"Where are you Aaron we need exfill right now, it was a trap"

"Right there captain try to hold on for two minutes "

"Alright but hurry"





When Aaron and Ziva arrived the battle was at Its fullest

Their two comrades were outnumbered but were still not losing

their will to fight was too not dimishing.

When they got close enough they saw their captian bleeding and coughing out blood.

"Get Yuri on the truck and get out of here I´m gonna hold them off" Said weakly Ye Fen

"What are you saying captain were not leaving without you" Said Mizuki and Aaron nodded

"Shut up!! That´s an order" Barked out Ye Fen

"Remember what I told you no sacrafice is too great."

"B-but captain" stuttered Aaron

"Go now!!"



As they were leaving on the truck the distance was fastly increasing they saw their captain shooting his submachine gun till he didn´t have ammo then he started to use his piston untill they cloudn´t see him anymore.

As he was runinng out of ammo he saw there was a pile of barrels of fuel between him and the enemy so he waited till they got closer and as he was starting to lose consciousness he aimed the gun at the barrels and fired and thats the last thing he cloud remember.

When regained his consciousness he saw all white around him then an old man came to him

"Hello Ye Fen" said the old man cheerfully.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?" Asked Ye Fen

"I am what you would call a god and you Ye Fen died accidentally. You weren´t supposted to die on that mission, but unfortunetly you did" Said the old man

"Wait what??" Ye Fen was confused

"Well what happend happend as an apology I am going to reincarnate you in another world."

"It will be fantasy with swords and magic, demon and dragons and so on."

"So are there any requests you want any wishes"

It took a while before Ye Fen absorbed all the Information then he asked the so called God

"Are there any restrictions on the wishes"

"Not any i know of " answered the old man

"Alright than i want to be born into noble family so i can have little more loose life and to be able to use all the elment in the magic"

"Is that all?" asked the old man

"Yes that´s all" Answered Ye Fen

"Alright I´m gonna give you one more thing you will discovery it when you arrive there so good luck"

"Thank you for everything god see you" As he said that he waved at the god as darkness started enveloping him then he saw light

At that time he reincarnated into a newborn baby.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

the_arbitercreators' thoughts