
Chapter 53: Infiltration at Fake Heaven

The guy lay there lifelessly on the floor, but his heart was still beating. The detective checked for his friend, who was still on the floor, he knocked into his shiny khopesh. He picked it up slowly, and gave it to him, placing it on his lap.

He turned his head to the guy on the truck, waving his hand in his direction. He was still o. The phone call, when he noticed this he looked at him with great annoyance. When he clicked off he jumped down, which left an echo, but he ran there so he made even more noise.

"Shhh, we are still trying to sneak in here, ok," he whispered in his direction. The guy replied, "Don't worry I called back up, as they are trained," this got both to look at him. The Khopesh guy stood up, "so, which ones?"

This also intrigued him, but they had to move on.

"we have to move on," he said, being worried about the situation they are in. They all started walking out into the open, the person that was getting beaten by the person who was unconsciously hidden by him, ran up first to the dead body.

He started moving while the two people talking were slowly moving forward, also complaining about a yellow blight. Confused, he moved the body behind a large toolbox, made from a special alloy. He put him behind there and the two were about to leave the premises of the trucks and container, arguing. Abruptly, the door opened, slamming the door.


The reaction of the detective saved him. He was pushed underneath the truck, rolling under there, which left him with bruises. The detective smudged into the open blue container, right next to the stairs. It was dark in there, and the smell almost made him throw up, but it was better than being seen.

The person that opened the door was a shirt person for his age and had long hair. When he entered he screamed and there was a person behind him, a girl. She had short hair but was twice the size of the male in front of her, she could reach the clouds. The man said, "where is he, that moron? He was supposed to be here."

The lady looked around, speaking in a croaky voice, "who knows, maybe he left?"

"impossible!" the guy screamed, turning in her direction, "if the guy left, then he would break the rule," but the girl looked at him.

"You never know," this made him accept it and he sighed, "Yeah, but what now?"

She gave a worried look and said, "I do not know, hm," she noticed a bloodstain. Then at her height she could see a body behind the toolbox. She starts walking up to it and finds the Khopesh guy. Both just stared in shock and confusion, then the other guy came in and saw him.

He understood what happened, or guessed. He started speaking, seeing the guy's scared face he spoke slowly, "did the guy that came in here do that to your friend?"

Since there was silence, the question was echoed. When the detective heard it, he knew straight away that they found him. He could try and sneak up on them but his sword would make a too huge sound and it would heal a lost cause. He peeks out and sees the door open.

He goes out, but a creak is spread out, luckily the interrogated man thinks fast, "Um, um, um, yes, he died from the stupid, jerk," he said it loudly, making the creak disintegrate. The guy under the truck noticed what he was doing and he slid out of the compressed area.

The two met up in the middle and advanced to the door. They squeezed through and heard the conversations a bit clearer, "-should we do with him?"

Blatantly asking his partner. The guy looks petrifying at the woman, she stares back, "leave him, we might get info from him too, but what should we do-" he cut off. The detective was on the same ground as the three and he then went to the other side of the door and the other guy soon followed.

When entering the room, it was filled with crates, and it made them realise that he only opened one door and you could open two to get them through the door. When the second person that walked through the door got pulled by the detective behind the crate, which was pretty far away. There were three people there, but he is only guessing that from the voices.

They were sitting around a table, the anonymous people, their toolboxes in the light but they were not shown properly. He started hearing the conversation,"-can't believe it, you did not get any from the disguise," the person speaking had a loud and deep voice, he did a sigh. The rest fidgeted, the detective moved to see and the other guy also moved. Their faces were not dark. There was a light grunt," it doesn't mean that you guys could mess up, and you lost your companion."

The detective remembered that Eader mentioned pushing some guy off, he smiled. "But, we have stopped by-'' I don't give a damn, you know what happens to you guys that mess up, we have been daddling for the past thirty minutes about nonsense," a girl said it in an angered with voice," what will the boss think about it, we just lost the target, do you think they are gonna lets us go as the old boss stepped back in," the anger was gone and it turned to pure fear. The other guys moved uncomfortably ,which started to annoy both watchers.

Just stop moving you morons.

"Yeah, but what do we do with that blue asian prick," another person addressed infuriated.

"I think he has lost memory, as he for some reason could not speak properly or remember my name, those twats probably did something!"

The guy seemed, which was probably heard by the people in the next room, that they were taking their sweet time, and to add to it he slammed his knuckle on the table, it vibrated a cup. They all exchanged looks and sighed, but before they could keep on talking a sound started popping up. A sound which the two hidden peeps know and smiles cheekily.

The two people that were talking to the khopesh guy came in. "The cops are coming," the pair said simultaneously. Thai made them all turn," we have to leave," the one guy that has not spoken or was not heard from the two hiding. That made everyone stand up. The detective was put into a bad dilemma: either fight them to bring the guys time to help them or do nothing. The other guy looked at him. He felt it, like a burning laser, as it was his command.

No, too risky.

But he did not decide this as they were found.


The detective pushed them both into our other crate trajectory.


The explosion destroyed the crate and left a black mark to where they were. They all stared at the lot on the floor. "You did a good job avoiding that, astounding really," the detective was listening to him, but thinking what to do, but it was set back when he said,'' that guy must have been part of you, and the dead guy, real shame," that made the guy chuckle, the other people were just looking at him menacingly, then one of them spoke, the boss," you two stop him, and get out, that should give us enough time to get the stuff and escape," his words were commanding and inspiring, too. The tall girl and small guy nodded their heads.

The lady was the person that shot the missile as seen her holding an RPG. Both starting at it hated using the thing as it was too heavy, took forever to reload and aim properly. She must have learnt it well, but must have a weak sword as she was not summoning it. The other guy, on the other hand, did. He had a feminine one, it did not need a lot of strength to use its full potential, it also explained why the guy did not work out his skinny arms.

The weapon the lady was using was the complete opposite, a pure man powered weapon, which by the look of it was a heavy version. Then the man standing beside the detective summoned his sword, with a great glow surrounding the hand. The two started as the other people were already moving and grabbing things. Then all the people, even the ones packing everything up started at the detective, he was the last one to arm themselves.

The fact that nobody mixed into this battle is a surprise, maybe it's their thing not to mix into battles, like a warrior trying to prove his pride, or the word of the boss is absolute.

He gave exactly what the watchers were hoping for, a grand battle and entrance.