
Chapter 102: Deja vu

Confusion was on the guys face, he was completely puzzled. Eader would try to avoid a fight because he was weak, now the new found confidence he got for beating them last time appeared. Also, it erupted with the other experiences he has had. 

He moved at the man, but he stood his ground. Eader was still small, that could not be changed, so it lightened the man up. He spoke wittily," oooh, you are so cool-"


The sound was like from a slapstick cartoon, the reaction was like seeing a shooting star. The girls behind him were taking a step back, there feet on there tiptoes. Jennifer looked puzzled, she never seen Eader act strong before.

When both mad eye contact, Eader realised a crucial thing about this. He shifts his body so he is in a comfortable position to fight, and also look at Samuel.

I completely forgot about Jennifer, will he care?