
Sword Pop Culture LitRPG: Unsheathing Judgment Day!

What to expect: Non-stop Shonen-Manga style action, highly detailed world-building, occasional artwork and vibey narrative. Dive into the realm of Crossblades, where swords clash and magic thrums in the air. Embark on an exhilarating adventure with Sword Pop Culture, an enthralling LitRPG adventure novel teeming with intense action, intriguing power dynamics, and spellbinding world-building. Hao Vee, a blind Blade Engineer, navigates this volatile world through the pulsating vibrations of his faithful sword, Vibe Edge. For Hao Vee, a sword is not merely a weapon; it's a symbol of strength, honor, and unyielding power. His unbridled passion for swords and his unwavering belief separate him from the rest, leaving those without a sword unworthy of his attention. Witness Hao Vee as he defies the odds and seeks to become the supreme sword master in Crossblades, facing monstrous beasts known as Tokyos, dangerous palace raids, and lurking demonic entities. Every swipe of the blade, every magical incantation, brings him a step closer to his ultimate goal. Sword Pop Culture: a gripping LitRPG saga for those yearning for a thrilling blend of action, adventure, and the captivating allure of fantasy realms. So, are you ready to draw your sword and join Hao Vee in his monumental journey? Remember, in Crossblades, your sword is your soul. Updated regularly with 5-7 chapters weekly - don't miss a beat in this high-stakes fantasy adventure! Read up to 15 chapters on patreon. patreon.com/AuthorsDread

AuthorsDread · 武侠
114 Chs

Loading Vibe Goggles  

"There, it's on now." Ciara finished putting on the arm. Afterwards, she took a step back and allow Hao some room to flex his newfound prosthetic limb, Belmot.

Hao lifted the arm up to his face. He was cautious in case his new limb wasn't ready for use but nothing was wrong with it. After a few more tests, he felt confident about it. "This arm feels like my old lady has put a lot into it. I can tell by the minute details of its construction. The gears and connectors are well-oiled and there isn't a speck of dust on it. Who would have thought it would be this good upon activation? It operates much better than Wheelz." Vicky and Lanor were displeased to hear this. "However..." Hao continued, "I prefer rocking Wheelz for now. I'll keep this as a backup just in case."

He asked Ciara to help him switch arms again. When this process was finished, he placed Belmot gently into the case. Now on to the remaining item.

"Here you go, mate." Mentos handed it to him. 

"A googles?" Hao took his time scanning the composite of the item. It appeared to be made of the same material as Belmot. "Did you guys also encounter any trouble while out there?"

"Not at all," Ciara answered.

This put Hao's nerves at ease as he tried on the goggles. When he donned it he was slightly surprised. He felt a slight pain as multiple microscopic hairs shot out from the goggles, into his empty eye sockets and latched on to his neural network. 'Ah, what's happening? My hearing is... blank.' He lost his sense of hearing. At the same time, he felt Vibe Edge shimmering in his grasp and wondered what the heck was taking place.

Mentos and the others who were watching him saw that he was behaving strangely, but neither of them acted because they didn't want to interrupt whatever was happening. They only observed quietly with anticipation as if they were spectators at an experiment.

"Agh..." Hao felt a headache coming on but he had to ignore it. The headache lasted up to the point where a bright blue glare appeared in his vision. 'What's this I'm seeing?' Strangely enough, his prior expansive vision became disabled and more focused on a two-dimensional view, which started populating with distinctive characters followed by Vibe Edge's inner voice.

<Loading Vibe Goggles....>

<Connecting Vibe Goggles to Edge's mainframe... linking Sword Details...>

<Loading complete>

Moments later, an intricate interface popped up in Hao's sight. It appeared similar to Vibe Edge's own. There were several different screens and several icons at the top of the screen that he had no clue as to their meaning. But he knew what was displayed in front of him. His mother's face came into view along with a message:

"This is Vibe Edge's visor. It is a new technology that came out of Sphero's laboratory. It uses the latest light-based hologram projection technology which is more efficient than the older optical light distributed throughout your sword's photonic resonance. Although the previous model is still usable, this optics is much more powerful and will offer you a better visual range than before using only Vibe Sense. It's also more adaptive to changes in lighting conditions. This is all thanks to the advanced programming algorithms that I added to make it more intuitive for you. There is an additional component that I know you will make use of."

Quory's message box split apart and began showing another window that had a sleek rhombic dodecahedron-shaped item. Her explanation continued, "This material is a physical representation of a Vector Droid or Vid Orb. I had our latest model shrunken down to the size of three connected pebbles. Their primary purpose is advanced storage of your sword's data and to track the growth of your Sword Spirit but it can also store other objects in parts, metaphysical and corporeal. Although the Vid Orb is designed to be portable, its ability to store vast amounts of information is limitless. In other words, it will be able to keep your memory forever."

"Keep my memory forever...? I don't like the sound of that. Anyway, I should send her a message to let her know I received her gifts." Hao quickly moved passed his worries and delve into the core features of Vibe Goggles. 

'Load status.' With only a thought, he was able to summon an interface showing his status and Sword Details:

<Status Window>

Vibe Edge's User: Hao Vee

Sword Tier: Locked

Sword Spirit: Eragaleous

Link Connection: 65%

HP: 200

Tunes: 100

Passive Skills>>

1. Blind Fury

2. Sword Mastery

3. Vibe Sense

4. Enhanced Hearing

5. Quick Reflexes

6. Acute Smell

7. Precision Strike

Vibe Goggles Feature>>

1. Vector Absorption

2. Blade Sprites 


1. Enigma Core


1. Night Tamer

   - Shadowstep Slash

   - Twin Portal Slash

2. Quick Draw

   - Quick Draw-Drive

3. Vibe Seeker

4. Volume Raiser

  - Resonance Amplifier

5. Spin-Off


  - [Upgrades Available]

Sword Spirit Feature:

- Inner Voice

- Soulstar Biome

"Hmm..." Hao meticulously scrutinized his Sword Details. He identified a few changes. 'Why is Sword Tier now locked? Last time it was Uncommon and the Sword Spirit is now named Eragaleous. What the heck did mum do? Did she reconstruct Vibe Edge from the ground up? No wonder it took so long. My Link Connection also decreased by 1% and there's a new Sword Spirit feature. I wonder what Soulstar Biome is. Goggles expand on that.'

<Soulstar Biome: This feature is designed to host the spirit of an organic entity compatible with Eragaleous.>

'I don't quite understand it, can you break it down for me?' Hao inquired further.

<Soulstar Biome is a container for sentient being which will be placed in an active host after its Soul Star pierced and the core of sword. An addition of...>

"Hey, I'm talking to you punk!" Before Hao could finish learning more about his newfound abilities, Scar came along and interrupted him. "Stop ignoring me you bastard I said to pack that shit up and get it out of our way!" It appeared that the Beast Carriage that Mentos and Ciara arrived in was blocking the exit for the truck, but instead of tackling Mentos about this issue, Scar chose to lash out at Hao for whatever reason.

This caught him off guard and he had to take a step back from Scar's sudden aggression. His confusion caused the others to misunderstand his reaction. Lanor didn't like the way Scar was acting but she didn't want to cause a scene. So, she waited to see if he would back down on his own. Mentos and Ciara were standing there, obviously bothered by the hostile air that was thick around them. Was a fight about to go down?