
Sword In The Rocks

Galieth, a war Lord has fallen. He places his sword in a rock and enchant's a curse to the land. Centuries later, a young boy, named Aaron, dreaming to be a knight or one day even a legend has set out to find the sword and to rid the land of the curse. Along the way he meets new people and even new dangers. Will Aaron succeed in this mission and rid this world of Galieths curse and become a legend among legends.., or will he fail and die. Read to find out dear people..

MaddiexxW · 奇幻
2 Chs

[A Quest For Aaron]

"Aaron? what a marvellous name!" Leon said with a smile.

Aaron looked up at Leon and was shocked to see someone smile for the first time at him.

"W-why do you smile at me? aren't I an outsider? why should you be talking to me?" Aaron asked with a sad tone.

Leon looked at him up and down, then said, "You may be an outsider boy but we were all outsiders once in our lifetime. Everyone you see here are like family for eachother. Who told you that you were an outsider?"

"The kids..they told me that I was not welcomed here. That I was just a nobody and nobody should be seen" Aaron played with the dirt beneath his feet.

Leon looked baffled at this and looked at the kids then looked back down at Aaron.

Leon stroked Aaron's head and asked, "Aaron how would you like to do a little something for me?"

Aaron looked at Leon and smiles like a child who saw a puppy.

"Really mister? Something for me?" Aaron continues to smile, "What is it?" Aaron asked more.

Leon chuckled and said, "of course, why don't you go and hmm..why don't you go and pick some herbs for me?"

Aaron jumped up and looked at Leon

"of course I'll go get it! I saw some by the river! I'll go do my quest now! yeepy!!" Aaron said gleefully while running off to the river.