
Chapter 813 – Judgment

"What happened after that?" Emperor Amon asked.


"We fought," Gregorio said. "I used some of my Spells, and she used her Abominable State."


The Emperors listened attentively.


The next part should be what caused all of this damage.


"Naturally, I couldn't win against Kali with my normal Spells," Gregorio said. "Which was why I was using something else."




The black booklet from earlier appeared in front of Gregorio, and he took hold of it.


The Emperors noticed that the booklet was quite strange.


It was like the booklet didn't belong to this world.


"What is this?" Emperor Brutus asked.


"The reason why Lucius kept saying that I am the strongest among us."


Emperor Amon furrowed his brows.


"A couple of you guys used Abominations as references to further your own power," Gregorio said.