
Chapter 450 – Shooting Star, Hidden Sun

The second beast only did marginally better. It nearly died with the first attack, but Shang had to unleash a second one to finish it off.

When Shang thought about his next opponent, he got a bit annoyed.


Black fire gathered on the sword and was thrown into the distance, transforming it into a saber.

Shang didn't want to use several attacks to get rid of the next beast since it would be a powerful one, which was why he had transformed Sword into its Saber State.

Shang didn't really care about the ore he had just now essentially thrown out of the window. He had so much ore that this was no issue at all.

Some seconds later, Shang's third opponent appeared.

It was some wolf with metal armor. Its appearance and power weren't really important since it would die very quickly anyway.

Shang pointed his Saber downward, its tip touching the ground just a bit behind Shang.

The jester lifted his hammer and hit the bell.