"The show has yet to begin. When you wake up, I will let you know what real hell feels like. Let's see if Tang Chen will still love you. Let's see if you can still survive in the entertainment industry!"
Lin Siqing laughed like a proud victor. She turned to Jiang Jiyue standing by her side and threw him a small bottle of liquid. "Drink this. Your master sent this to help you with your sexual performance. I'll send the crowd up when you get to your business!"
Jiang Jiyue nodded without any expression.
Lin Siqing then delivered a few light slaps to Lin Wanwan's face. "You should really thank me. I am helping you to make a name for yourself. How is 'caught seducing sister's boyfriend' for a news title? Within a day, you are going to be known as the most shameless b*tch in the entire country! Haha."
She laughed hysterically as she pictured in her mind the astonishing events to come.