
Suryaputra karna different route

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Rajpatidar · 历史
15 Chs

Chapter 10

Kumbhilla forest

When Karna opened his eyes, he found himself standing in a forest. The forest was dense and dark. But Karna knew that he had to be brave for the sake of his family. He used two stones to make a fire and lit a stick with it. Then he entered inside. The entire place was scary, there was no sound except for the rustling of the winds and cries of the nocturnal animals and birds. Sage Ved Vyas told him that in the middle of the jungle there was a banyan tree and below that tree, he would find the body of the spirit. Karna used the light of the torch to find the ways. Suddenly he heard a sound coming from the right side. Since childhood, Karna's senses were very sharp. He could listen to any sound however faint it might be. So, he kept the torch in the ground and put an arrow in the bow, and aimed. Then he saw some movements inside the bush and without thinking much he released the arrow. The arrow hit the target and suddenly a tiger roared and jumped out of the bush. Karna's arrow directly hit one of the eyes of the tiger. The tiger roared in pain and ran away from there.

Karna sighed and started his journey again.

Karna (thinking) 'O God, there is a tiger. Thanks to the almighty that I injured the tiger on time otherwise it would surely attack me. But I need to hurry, my family is suffering there.'

Thinking that he started to walk faster. Suddenly he felt something slippery was stuck on his feet and before he could comprehend anything, an invisible force threw him in the air. Karna fell on the ground. He was hurt very badly and when he tried to stand then again someone threw him against the trees. Karna's entire body started hurting. He felt that he was badly bruised. But then he remembered Ved Vyas's words 'Remember my son, however stronger your opponents will be, don't get scared. Fear gives strength to your enemies. Stay strong and brave in front of your enemy and don't lose hope. There is always a way to every situation.'

Karna then tried to concentrate his mind. His opponents were invisible so if he had to fight then he needed to know about their positions. He then realized that even when the entities were invisible but there was a faint hissing sound coming from them when they moved. Karna used his sharp instincts to realize the positions and the next time when those entities tried to grab him, he took out one of his arrows and stabbed it. There was a shrill cry of pain and suddenly those entities moved away from him. Seeking this opportunity, he ran from there.

Karna was exhausted. He was running continuously but cannot find the way to the banyan tree. During his fight with the torch fell from his hand, so he lit another one. In the dark, it was really difficult to find the ways, but Karna tried hard. But it was not an easy task for a seven-years-old boy to find the right path, especially in the enchanted forest. Karna realized that he was moving in a circle as returned to the same place. He sat on the ground and started sobbing. "O Lord Vishnu, Lord Mahadev, Pitashree always said that you will always help us if we pray to you with a pure heart. Please, my Lords, help me to find the way. I just want to protect my family. Please help your devotee.''

In Suryalok

Devi Sangya started crying.

Devi Sangya, ''Arya please do something. Karna is a kid. He still fighting with the dark forces but it is not possible for him to find the Banyan tree without our help in that enchanted forest.''

Suryadev, ''Devi I am helpless. I cannot help him. It is his fight and he had to fight it by himself.''

In Kailash

Devi Parvati, ''Swami, this is wrong. Don't you think Karna suffered enough? He is fighting for his family and we shall help him.''

Mahadev, ''Devi don't worry. This is his test and he has to face it alone. His next decisions will show him the true path.''

In Kumbhila Forest

Karna was walking continuously, he was tired. Then suddenly he saw a baby monkey was attacked by a giant serpent. The baby monkey was crying while the serpent coiled around it. Karna thought, 'Shall I help the monkey? No, it will waste my time...No I will help him. One shall always help others no matter what.'

Thinking that he released an arrow on the snake and the snake released the monkey. The monkey though tired but came in front of Karna and signed to follow him.

Karna thought 'Will it be wise to go with the monkey? Maybe it's a trap of the dark forces.' But then believing in his instincts he followed the monkey. After walking for a while, they reached the clearing, and then Karna saw the banyan tree in front of him. He was overwhelmed with joy and when he looked at the monkey to thank him, he realized that no one was there.

In Kailash

Lord Hanuman stood in front of Mahadev.

''Mahadev, I did whatever you asked me to do. I took his test and saw that he has compassion for every being. I showed him the right path.''

Mahadev (smiling) ''Kalyan ho Pavanputra. You may leave now.''

Devi Parvati, ''But swami what about the devil Rakshas that is guarding the body? Can Karna a seven years old child kill that Rakshas?''

Mahadev, ''Have patience, Devi. To win a fight one should use not only strength but also intelligence. This is the test of his intelligence.''

Kumbhilla Forest

Karna came in front of the tree. Ved Vyas told him that there was a Rakshas who guarded this tree. So, he was moving towards the tree with caution. Suddenly he heard a huge roar and saw a huge Rakshas stood in front of him.

Rakshas ''I am Gajasur, Protector of this tree. How dare you come near this tree. Today you will die.''

Saying that he threw a huge sword towards Karna, but he was fast enough to duck the weapon. Karna also tried to send arrows towards him but Gajasur kicked him and fell to the ground. Even he was in great pain, Karna managed to stand up, but his bow and arrows fell from his hand. Karna took a stone and threw it towards Gajasur but the stone broke and Gajasur started laughing. Karna then took out the small dagger he had in his waist and stabbed Rakshasa's feet. Gajasur screamed and in anger, he threw fireballs from his mouth. Karna had no time to duck and the fireballs reached to him. Karna closed his eyes thinking that this was his end but then his Kavach appeared and swallowed the entire fire.

Gajasur was taken aback. He asked, ''who are you, you are not a human? But it won't change your fate. Whoever you are I will kill you. I am Gajasur. My body was made with fire. I will burn you alive.''

Listening to this Karna suddenly remembered that while coming here he saw a pond nearby. He got an idea. He said, ''You cannot do anything as to kill me you have to catch me first. But I don't think with such a fat body you can even catch a mouse.''

Gajasur though very strong but also full of ego. Karna's words like adding fuel to the fire. He roared like a mad bull and chased Karna who was running towards the pond. When he reached the pond, he stood there calmly and when Gajasur reached there and tried to hold Karna, he jumped away. Gajasur with its large body cannot control the momentum and fell into the pond. Only water can extinguish the fire. The cool water of the pond instantly killed Gajasur.

Karna sighed in relief. He went back to the tree and start digging the base and after some time he found the body. He lit some fire and burned the body. He also prayed to Yama, the God of death to rest the spirit in peace.

In Mrityulok

God Yama smiled at his young brother. He was proud that his brother was so compassionate that he was praying for an evil spirit as well.

In Hastinapur

To everyone's astonishment, Adhirath and his family came back to their senses. Everyone was relieved but there was one question in everybody's mind. ''Where is Karna?''

In Kumbhilla forest

Karna was so exhausted that he could not even stay awake. Though he was stronger than a normal human being, this adventure was too much for his seven years old body. Somehow he chanted the mantra and thought about his home. Then he fainted.