
The Frozen Western Front

As Alexander prepare for the incursion in the heart of the enemy capital.

The armies of the Imperium were hard at work, giving the enemies a sense of illusion of victory.

Every planet, every country, every land that conquered by the imperium, now amassing more war materials to get the traitors out of this universe.

It was one thing when you have the power of the gods at your fingertips, and it's another when you have the shells and manpower that is lobbed at the enemies. Each passing day, Manpower numbered by the millions, from the colonies beyond this Universe sol system, that is flooding to aid the defenders, In a way, it is what happens when the Horus heresy would have started, but without the political intrigue and backstabbing, one hearts and one mind.

The traitors only have one part of terra, but to a imperium that already colonized beyond this radiated wasteland of a planet? That have countless planets that is paradise beyond imagination?

Generals and commanders that is born and raised in this galaxy is eager to raised their merits, their youthfulness and brashness is only hampered by the wisdom of the elders that told them one thing.

"There is no overkill and being under prepared is the one way to damnation."

Many plans and scenarios is being drafted and enacted by the hour.

What makes the perfect victory with minimum casualties.

Logistics being formed based on the availability.

Many turned their eyes on this Terra...

And waited with anticipation of victory.


"Hurry up men! Enemy attack! Sound the Alarm!" Shouted a commander in his bunker as his section of the battle field sprang to life.

The trench lines in the west have come to life as tracer fire briefly glimpse in the winter storm.

The roars of the enemies that heard in the blistering storm have heard in the distance.

Silhouette of planes flicker in this storm, fighting not just the enemies of man, but also the elements of the weather that is against them.

Base defenses came to life, Littering the no man's land with tracer and explosives, soldiers armed themselves. Echoes of artillery sounded of in the distance, bringing a distant comfort to the soldiers that hear the comfort of big guns.

Many of them rushed out to manned the trenchlines and fired nonstop in the moving horde in the winter storm.

They have met with scores of cultist that lust for their blood and radioactive animals that fell by the touch of corruption. Frost bitten and insane, All who sold their souls to the demons beyond human comprehension flooded nonstop. Their mortal flesh now taited by the chaotic element in the warp.

The first wave of their march is erupted in a blossom of red Ichor and bone splinters that is made by the artillery and minefields, and they marched on with their eyes dazed and apathetic of their kinsmen of dying infront of them.

The Tainted flooded into the lines as if there was no tomorrow, their eyes is filled with madness and paranoia, drooling for their gods to observe their actions. But the Imperial Guard held the line, as much as they could buy time for the traitors, to not make them realized their leader is heading into the heart of the warp storm to kill the machinations of the Chaos gods.

Their morale soared as they know that their leader is risking his life just as they did and many felt related with him.

"I am the Chosen! Witness's the Child offering to you! The Gods have Given me power!" Screamed a Cultist that held sickles and he lunged towards the trench lines stabbing a shocked recruit in the neck causing his blood spout like a fountain. Gleefully painting the entrails and blood as he howled to the skies of his count.

Only to be gunned down by Kreigsmen that arrived and held the defensive line, and the lines that held by many others is filled enemies with dread with their weapons shown to the traitors of humanity, just killing the cultist with anything they could grab their hands on, Shovels, Chainsaw and barbed clubs.

"Second Trenchlines! Open Fire! Support the First lines from being overrun!" Scream the Captains as scores of Guardsmen opened fire with the commissary polishing their weapons, looking behind them for traitorous thought of desertion. If they falter in this place, how would they face the more arduous task in other places?

The blazing golden light of the Lasguns echoing in a choir of unity streamed into the unholy hordes.

Their corpses were turned to dust that is taken away from the battlefield. Flesh and gore of the traitors blasted into the skies, making a dangerous splinter of bones that pierced anyone.

Titans legion fought one another, their silhouettes flash with their cannons lit up the skies.

Clashes of faith between the Imperial beliefs and the fallen cultish worship of the four gods is scattered across every battleline.

The blizzard that is conjured up by the warp is preventing even the most stalwart Valhalla Regiments that joined the fray that is only able to see beyond 700 meters, and the enemies can see them plain as day. But it didn't hinder the hatred towards chaos. And prevent the loyalist from literally burning the land before them.

Flashes of explosion echoes in the warp tainted storm. Symbolizing the defiance against the odds.

For the locals that join the imperium against the so called "communist incursion" have met the actual demons that conjured up in the humn mind. Their faith in their gods that protected the actual demons is faltering, but for the soldiers recruited from the system... It was the norms, they been fighting them for almost ten thousand years, from the underhives

That is filled with cultist that spoke blasphemy of their false gods, to the wasteland of the outskirts of imperium held territories that is barely able to see the emperor light... They met them, with hatred in their hearts that their armor of Contemp is more sufficient to not be corrupted.

They remember the horors if the planet is fallen to the demons... They may not considered this place Holy terra, but they know that the Herald, the High lord of Terra have invested great interest in this galaxy, to claim it for the imperium and convert the inhabitants to the Emperor holy light? What grander purpose to die for the beliefs, to see their hallmarks that they defeated the devil, they stood against the tides with spite and fury, and for the daemons, believing that this faithless land is ripe pickings for temptations, it was a mistake, the moment the Herald have step foot on this land, it is already under the banners of the Imperium.

The land, people and resources is under the Imperium rule.

The High Lord wills it.

If the eastern front that pierce the Tainted depths of Siberian wasteland is clean and efficient, experimental weapons shipped to conduct experiments of countrywide destruction, experimental data is being shipped out daily, there is no better way to see if they could stand against chaos.

The western front is not, it is filled with extensive trenches and bases that littered the landscape. Frozen mud and wreckage on both side is constantly piling up to the point of attrition.

To many, it was just the normal of what happens in Warhammer daily life. To them, it is a danger to their way of life.

The high lord gave them a galaxy free from the dangers of war, the suffering, and he was the herald of the Imperium, to the soldiers that recruited from the system, he is their hope, had he not recruited them, they would have ended up as nameless nobodies, some skank in the underhives in some forgotten hive world that the adeptus ministorum misplaced in their bloated bureaucracy, or some forge workers that died in a galaxy that they never known his deeds.

That choice they made to enter that chimera to enter this world... Was their own decision.

They were promised lands, money and hope for a better tomorrow, he given them the path, incentives to make them more understanding... But it is their efforts to make his promise reality. And God and Their high Lord watched over them, bringing forth a sense of fanaticism that he is unaware of. And when they heard the Black legion had arrived in this world?

Did they felt a sense of dread?

A chill of horrors of the things they have done?

No... It was hatred and fury.

They have more hatred than fear in their bones, for tainting this land.. death is warranted and they shall have it.

For every Fallen Astartes slained, their death is celebrated with fervor.

For the first time, the black legion met a world that is no more attritional than Cadia much less than Catachan that nature was their enemies...

Every one that they killed, Hundreds took their place, taking ten of their own.

Veterans the black legion may be, but the sheer numbers and technological prowess of the imperium might have negated their skills.

Every notion of common sense they learned in the warp goes out the window, for they faced a foe that is aware of their deficiency.

The imperial guards scorched the lands, despite the winter storm that is tainted by the warp, their hatred that delved in their hearts is not quenched.

Deathstrike missiles flew by the hundreds, turning the land into a molten lava even the winter that should have covered the traitors from the loyalist meaningless.

In a certain part of the battlefield, the clash of astartes begun once more, invoking memories and hatred.

The redeemed legions, fought the fallen that stayed in the Black legions, honors broken, and brotherhood seeped in madness now clashed that even the Imperial guards just focused their tasks on another battlefield.

"Die Traitor!" Bellowed a Iron hands as he ripped the Khornate Bezerker head off his body.

The Iron Hands delved in a frenzy that made even the Khornate warriors paused their bloodshed.

A Predator rammed into a hellbrute and shot its payload in black range

The Iron hands... For far too long, they been tainted with the stigma of their primarch the first to die at istvaan. Far too long they they been scorned by the rest of the loyalist legions that belittle them, this world... It is a place for their reborn legion to rise from the ashes and walked among their peers.

The Iron Hands made a spearhead deep into the hearts of the enemies lines and threatened of being enclosed by several warbands of the Black legions.

They ignored the High Command orders of slowly grinding the enemies to oblivion and speed past beyond their artillery support range could handle.

"Come Traitors! Taste the fury of the Gorgons!" A Iron warrior growled as he shot his bolts within the howling winds that shrouded the traitors.

Their reputation have gone beyond the ears of the loyalist... The Black legion fear them as their rumors is that they are more mechanical and emotionless machines, but seeing is much more valuable than rumors, as they kill with brutal efficiency and with fury that echoed within their augmentics have caused several sorcerors paused their attacks.

Cruuz for one such individual, crush and killed as much enemies as he could. A Warrior Incarnate of fury. His armor is riddled with holes and his machine spirit that dwelled in his armor is screaming at him that any more, his suit would be shut down. He didn't know, had Alexander perks were not in place, he would had died over a thouasand deaths.

His Silver Hand on his pauldron is slathered with blood and gore of the traitors before him.

"Come and Face me you wretched bastards!" He roared as he ripped a Black Legionary spine from his shoulder and proceeded to use it as a makeshift mace, one of them widen his eyes as the said mace, smashed into the helmet and crushing the skull beneath it.

One of the legionary managed to blast a part of his helmet off, partially revealing the man behind it.

His eyes frenzied of the target he

As the flickering Chrono meter in his helmet shows the time as nightfall began to cover the war. He gave a smirk. As shadows became the friend of the Iron Hands.

They became Demons incarnate.

Shadows crept around them as they swept across the battlefield like reapers of ceramite.

Screams of their targets echoes like symphony. Spearheading way deeper into enemies lines,

Their damage had spread throughout until they met a Traitor Titan legion.

Cruz found himself and his brothers flew away by the Volcano cannons blast radius, and found himself disoriented from the attack, finding that the Iron hand vehicles didn't survive the blast and the occupants were fried in their seats,

his clan found themselves surrounded by the traitors legions.

"Surround them and slowly chipped them away, the Corpse Emperor Herald have something to do with their newfound strength!" One of the captain bellowed. Having more common sense than the rest of the warbands that stopped them.

Cruuz looked around and somehow in the depth of his mind, he found reenacting himself at Istvaan... Where the traitors slaughtered their brothers. Surrounded and far beyond imperial help...

He looked around as he watched his brothers fell into combat. But he held on, taking cover behind a destroyed Predator tank as he took potshots at the monsters in the winter storm.

He saw a silhouette of a titan began to charge up the volcano cannon. Its burning inferno didn't hide behind the veil of snow.

Somehow... He felt a sense of nostalgia, a sense of regret. But he fought on, hoping to drag as many traitors as he fall in battle for a second time.

The Reaver titan that almost charged its weapons , suddenly engulfed into flames as the void shields faltered by a barrage of Artillery.

A Word Bearer Dreadnought swept past his position and fire upon the traitors, speaking Colchis to banish the demons in his vicinity.

A Death guard Apothecary arrived and tended to the wounded, despite the Iron Hands survivors displeased nature. They grudgingly accepted the help.

"Cruuz!" A familiar voice sounded behind him.

He could see the familiar purple armor rushing towards him.

"Go away, Former Brother, you have no place to fight. This is Iron hands operation!" He glowered, as he stated his stance with the former traitor legions

The Purple legionary paused for a brief moment and he stepped forth.

"I can't lose you again brother... Not after what I did."

"You had already lopped my head off like my Forge father, why should I trust you?!" He growled.

The emperor children simply spoke his honest thoughts.

"I need a second chance to prove me and my Phoenix that we are not the misguided legionaries at Istvaan..."

A howl echoed and a Hellbrute dreadnought emerged and smashed the emperor children, tossing him aside.

It immediately opened fire upon the Loyalist that took cover behind the wrecked vehicles.

The tainted bolts scattered upon the cover.

Cruuz growled as he readied a melta bomb charge and lobbed into the open canopy of the hellbrute.

It screamed as the satchel exploded and bellowed as he smashed Cruuz into a destroyed Rhino.

He found his suit power supply deactivated as the fusion core entered into critical meltdown.the Damaged hell brute slowly walked towards towards him.

"How does it feel to die again, Corpse Emperor Worshipper?" The Hell brute towered over Cruuz. Bringing a dark shadow over him.

"Euphoric" Cruuz spat his Acid Spit at the dreadnought out of spite.

"Then die knowing that I-" the Dreadnought paused as several bolts and a Krak missile rammed in his back and causing him to lose balance.

He turned around and saw a Emperor Children held a smoking Rocket launcher, along with several astartes assisting him.

"I will not lose you again!" He bellowed as he tossed the used rocket and rushed forward as he unleash his blade upon the chaos dreadnought. The loyalist squad assisted the Emperor Children as he engaged a duel with the dreadnought.

Explosive filaments and blade marks, began to cover the dreadnought.

"Die, Dieeee!" The Hell brute roared in anger as his rage began to blind him, causing him to ignore the fact that there was a Iron Hands that is slowly creeping behind with a power sword.

The Dreadnought realize that there is someone managed to jumped on his back and he realized that the joints were already severed by the blade and he final moments was the blazing electrical sparks of the power blade, pierce the skull of the Hell brute and incinerated the tainted soul within, causing the defeated dreadnought to collapse forward and tossing the Iron hands forward in the snow.

A mournful screamed echoed from the far east and the snow storm abated, showing the glory of the sun that dawn upon them, the Loyalist realize that the High lord have managed to complete his task.

And the Traitors realized that the storm gone meant one thing...

The buzzing noises began to accumulate as the Planes that is no longer held back by the storm, now flooded the skies like a wave of locust.

The skies and orbit is now fully under control by the Loyalist and Bombs and missiles dropped in greater ferocity that the lands is scorched into charcoal.

Causing some of the Warbands to retreat and flee to whatever location they entered this world.

For the first time Cruuz looked at the skies that slowly faded away. The sunlight lightly touched his face through the broken helmet, giving him a sense of warmth.

He met with the Helmet of the emperor children looking down at him...

"Hello again Cruuz"

"Zarghar, why did you saved me?" He asked.

"I told you... I wanted to make amends..." Zarghar spoke.

He scoffed until a Iron warrior arrive and began to conduct field repairs and stepped aside for the Death guard Apothecary to remove the shrapnel from Cruuz body.

A group of Alpha Legionaries watched the Traitor astartes fleeing towards one of many gates filled with explosives.

They had a mission briefing with the High Lord before he started his mission.

He stood upon a podium that housed a Legion of Hydra waiting for his words. They never joined the rest of their Cousins in the battlefield as they are Alexander ace in the hole.

"Sons of Alpharius and Omegon, what you are about embark is much more hazardous than what you have done for the imperium, you are to infiltrate where these fallen brothers came from, if my doubts are to be confirmed, Abaddon is leading this incursion... And most likely flee when he realizes that we are overwhelming. I am sure that he realize that the western front push made by the Astartes is bait and I entering deep into enemies lines to lopped the head of the snake as dangerous." He stated with a weary heart.

"It is dangerous and much more harder than what you have done for the Imperium, we don't know what goes on in their territory or their organization hierarchy, and whatever information you can bring back is vital for the survival not just Humanity, but also your brothers in other realms."

"Even if you became enemies with me because of your plans, I will always remember your names, your dreams, and I will ensure that your souls would not be devoured by the daemons, but your glory of doing the work in the darkness will be acknowledged. Go... Let the Enemies know the Might of the Alpha Legions... Show them that the darkness is not their domain...Hydra Dominatus." Alexander smiled as a Halo appeared behind his head as if giving them a piece of light for them to enter the familiar darkness.

The Astartes nodded as their Suits suddenly turned into the Black Legions and followed the fleeing astartes into the Gates that lead them deep behind enemies lines.

One Observer watched the battle played out and sighed as a portal began to engulfed the person.

"Not enough.... It isn't enough... [Possibility] is not ready yet..." The person grumbled as they traverse the depth of the warp.


(A/N): Sorry, I underestimated the time I was done at the farms.. so this is a short chapter, detailing what the Western front is actually doing while Alexander is in the east..

The sudden decision of moving from growing pumpkin to chilis was abrupt that it made a mess of my schedule.

But, I think it's for the better... Seeing that where I live, people is kinda favor hot sauce.

Honestly, I am surprised that I supposed to write this novel

But why the heck not?

I am already a Alt-right Nazi by the west anyway, that I should be extradited to Britain for being concerned about the state of affairs as a "Former" citizen of the Commonwealth (by British standards anyway.)

Funny that the lunatic liberals is more communistic that they imposed their insanity abroad. The meltdown of x, have made the nations that is still sane, had Kamala won, we would be entering world war 3 and drafting office would open once more, after all, wars can erase debts, if we destroy the nation that holds the debt...

I doubt democracy would be useful the more I watch how entitled the losers bitch and moaned for their losing candidate, especially how they voted in communist and naive utopians to butcher nations. Seeing how a man butchered his own family because the media scare monger that Trump is the new fascist dictator. Made me aware how liberalism have a horseshoe ending, either end up as communist or Fascistic... Weimar is democracy made by the west that gave birth to National socialist because they failed to provide solutions... And we have plenty of examples of democrat run cities in USA to observe the effects. How Media gaslight people in their nations and Independent journalism is dead.

For liberals calling Republican or anyone else that is fascist for calling out your failed policies, Pot calling kettle black, you been doing this crap for four bloody years since 2020, and when those that is sane wanted you to stop, you labeled as as far right bigoted freaks to be put down and state execution.

If the west is so free...

Why worship censorships?

Why erase history to cater to minorities?

Why Boogeyman the other political parties as fascist and don't do a Damm thing about the nation?

I am just a person that watched the west go insane.

Funny, they called themselves communist and demand gun control, when in the Marxist manifesto stated that the Workers must be armed to defend their existence for the workers revolution. If they met the Romanian Communist, the western ones already failed their founders manifesto by a large margin, since they own mansions and have cash, and the rich bread tubers is communist enemies.

UN failed its purpose of stopping wars, like the league of nations. Going after farmers is the dumbest thing. And I am concerned as I am a Farmer as well.

If I dare speak out concern of what the hell happening.

Censored, Shadow banned and kicked out of social media platforms. Here, at least I am not censored as hell. Ideas is shut down, any idea of reconciliation is already burned bridges. And political agenda is flooding my entertainment. I want to blow shit up and raise armies to control, not some crappy scenes telling me how bad my skin color is and I am a evil white supremacists... I known after whytes are gone, Asians are next on the chopping block.

Some American bloke tell me that democracy will save the day because orange man won. Tell me this, what happens when trump is gone? RNC is just filled with warhawks and the people will vote blue in 2028 as Trump is the last true president before darkness cover the USA. As democracy is meant for the intelligent people. But now it's filled with retards, narcissistic and out of touch boomers.

Enough of my talk. I just hope this fallout arc would be finished soon.