
Chapter Thirteen

If receiving that was awkward, the aftermath was… far more than that.

I could not even look the wolf in the eyes, even if, after going for who knows how long, coming many times, and probably letting his jaw sore, the pressure and pain finally went down, strangely from every time I had an orgasm.

Which was pretty odd to say the least; was my cum doing that? At this point I was starting to truly believe that I got some strange sickness, which only made me even more bitter.

Great, just what I needed, getting sick in the apocalypse without proper medical treatment available.

And yet, beyond all the awkward eye contact and avoidance, the wolf did not fall back, or rather, it was as if he avoided the subject, or at least the part where I did not want to do it and he had to force me.

He seemed rather guilty, looking at the ground far more than I, avoiding my gaze, and yet… and yet he took care of me, probably because he felt guilty about it, bringing buckets with warm water and rags that I could use to clean myself up, and even brought my things closer, not once trying to touch me again and keeping his distance, as if afraid that I would get scared if he did any sudden moves or got to close.

Tough luck champ, you already did far worse than that.

I wasn't about to refuse the cleaning tools, and once I start cleaning myself; especially there; he turns around and leaves me at it, looking at the entrance towards the far away snowflakes swinging in the wind.

My emotions were rather… confusing at this point. Part of me really hated him for touching me, even though he did it in the most respectful and caring way he could do given the circumstances, which went to the part of me that was grateful for his help and care.

Still my grip over the rag was stiff, and my skin reddish from all the scrubbing.

That's how the morning went, an awkward oppressive silent, and strange aura staying over us as we avoided each other's presence like the pest, eating in silence at the opposite sides of the fire.

My mind was a mess at this point; I don't know what worried me the most, the fact that a werewolf had touched me, or that I enjoyed his touch, or how dirty all of this was, in all meanings the word carried.

I shudder with the memory of his paws on me and have to focus on swallowing my food so I wound's look up to see if he noticed anything; no better way to let it obvious than staring at him.

But that's when I realized… that I was being a coward, that I was running away from whatever this was, and that I had more important things to do know than worry about something so… trivial.

So once I finish my third can I put it down to my side, my eyes locked on the wolf sitting all messily on the other side, munching the last of his meat stuck in his teeth, when he stops, as if feeling my eyes on him, and looks back at me.

Looking like I was done with everything I strode to his side while stumping, stopping and looking down on him as he stays paralyzed in place, surprised with my actions.

I click my tongue before talking, my hands turning into fists as I narrow my eyes at him.

"Now… Mutt, you have some explaining to do don't you?"

He tries to look tough my sneering at me, moving his lip up, but I'm not surprised; it is like a strange confidence took over me, a certainty that he would not hurt me, or rather, could not hurt me.

This sensation… was addicting.

"Ah nah nah nah, don't you dare to try and look tough now mutt, not after that, you are going to give me some answers and I do not accept any refusal."

He seems even more surprising with my bold reaction, widening his eyes a little, but than with a frown he is brought back as he looks down towards his feet and grumbles, moving his shoulders as if saying: "and how will I do that if I can't speak?"

I sit on the same trunk as him, making him go a little further to give me space as I keep staring him down, making him uncomfortable, even more as he had tried until now to avoid me.

Was he embarrassed about what he had done?

"Well, you can still nod yes or no, right?" I don't wait for his answer as I start asking, my voice firm giving no space for refusal. "What you did yesterday was necessary? Do you know what I had?" Two positive nods.

"Ok… Am I sick?" He looks confused for a second as to why I would assume that, but then vigorously nods a no. No? Then what was that? "Do you know what was that? What I have?"

He nods a yes. Fucking damnit this simple system is starting to annoy me, so many things I want to ask that are far too complex to receive a simple yes or no as an answer; for example, why did he save us?

That one still bugs me. Nothing is for free, especially saving your life, even more putting yourself at risk, and even more at the apocalypse.

Couldn't blame me for being suspicious, even more when the first of his kind that I met tried to rape me, and when he did something…

Well, let's focused on what matters now, I can always beat him up later for touching me if I don't find is answer satisfying.

Big bad wolf my ass, I'm done playing red riding hood.

"If I'm not sick… and you know what it is… then what could it be?"

He looks lost for a second, probably annoyed by the way this type of communication is limited as I, looking around as if searching for something to help him tell, his eyes going back towards me when a light shines on his eyes as he points to my shoulder.

I put my hand there, but there was nothing beyond my clothe and smooth skin. He makes a biting motion, points at Kira, then at my shoulder, then at himself.

I frown for a while, trying to understand, when it hits me; was he talking about the bite that I received from the other wolf? I had forgotten about it, but truly beyond the pressure that I felt yesterday, there were other strange things happening with me, as a deep bite wound getting healed faster than the scratches on Kira.

I thought at first that maybe they weren't that deep, or maybe I stayed unconscious for days, but looking at Kira state I know that I should be far worse than her, laying on the bed with at least a fever.

And yet… here I was, intact, whole, and even more healthy and hungry that I had ever been.

What the hell was going on?

"What happened yesterday… does it have any connection with the bite on my shoulder?"

He licks his snout with his long pink tongue; which makes me uncomfortable for a second as flashes of his face close to my member are brought up to my mind with the movement; as he gives a hesitant nod.

The bite… what could it have passed me with that bite? Rabies? No, he said that I wasn't sick… So what?

For a moment my mind goes blank, the cold outside not even being close to the blizzard I felt run down my body as I slowly bring my eyes up to meet his, staying like that for a second, feeling the panic start to expand deep inside me.

For I realized, far too late, what he meant.

The bite, what did the bite meant for all werewolves tales, what it did…

"I… I'm not…" I lick my lips, suddenly feeling my throat too dry to speak, but I tried once more before I would lose the courage to do so. "I'm not changing into a…a werewolf am I?"

I can see he swallow dry, but no answer came as he only looks down.

I stand up all of the sudden, scaring him as I strode away, my limbs shaking as I simply don't look back and go out in the cold, passing the entrance of the cave and receiving a gush of snow on my face.

It almost felt warm compared to what I felt inside.

I strode out, crunching the snow, just wanting to get away from it, from it all, aimlessly walking, supporting myself on the trees, my breathing speeding up but not from the exercise, no… but from the fact that was starting to dawn on me.

A wolf… a werewolf… me? No, no way, he was lying! That could not be, that can't be true…I'm not a freaking beast!

I stop when my legs cave in, shaking, my hand holding the trunk beside me with a strong grip so I wouldn't fall face first in the snow.

I start shaking my head sideways, the other hand coming up to cover my eyes, my mind breaking down, not knowing what to do with that kind of information.

I could not accept, no, that I was turning into a beast, an animal, a filthy creature like those who assaulted me.

I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs, but the air got stuck at my throat as the only thing that came up were dry sobs, tears rolling down my eyes as if made of crystal, shinning against my white skin and the snow, all white, all cold, everything was too much.

The only thing that came to mind at this point was; Why? Why me?

I have survived so much until now, family, school, war, the freaking apocalypse.

And now this?

I could not accept that, I could not believe in that.

Of all the things, of all the things….I don't even…

I look at the white snow surrounding me, as white as me, and wonder for a second if I could disappear into this sea of white before I break down into another panic attack.


Author Note:

Poor him, of all the things that could have happen… Thought I know a lot of people who would be happy in his situation hehe

(Where are the wolves at? Raise your hand yo!!)


MC:"Ah nah nah nya."

Author: …


Author: Your tongue slipped. Oh, and that was the wrong animal.

MC: Shut up!

See yaaaa~~~~

Thank you all for sooo many names, now I have to choose one ( ̄■ ̄;)

Molligail/ Kath,Elif,Serena,Elena/ Farryn/ Valerie/ Lisa, Linda, Liz or Elizabeth, April, Mya, Morgan, Monna or Mona, Angelica, Cathy/ Chey, Meghan, Jasper, Carol/ Jane or Sarah/ Karina, Meredith, Anita, Crystal, Sasha, Diana, Fiona, Gertrude, Ophelia, Patricia, Vanessa/ Marry, Kathren or Riana Diana or Alexa or Samantha/ Catherine, Beatrice, Gertrude/ Karina/ Mary, Selena, Luna, or Stella/ Moira