

Doctor Carolina comes into the room looking less happy than when she had visited Alease just a week ago to run some regular checkups to supervise her health.

Alease slowly props herself up to face the doctor.

“Morning,” Alease lets out a breath from propping herself up.

Caroline, being uncomfortable watching Alease struggling, starts crying.

“Doctor? Are you okay?” Alease felt her heart tighten as if anticipating something wrong.

Caroline, without an answer, grabs a tissue box from the nearby counter and hands it to Alease.

She knew she had to just say it, she’s responsible for her patients but with Alease Miranda, it felt personal, as if she failed her studies, and herself and Alease.

‘What’s the point of being a doctor if I can’t even find something sustainable for my patients,’ Caroline curses in her head, before turning her attention back onto Alease.

Still standing thinking about how to word or tell Alease the news.

“Doc? You're scaring me,” Alease holds the tissue box close to her chest bracing for anything.

Caroline, still hesitating begins sweating, “Crap,” She clutches her fist, squeezing her eyes as the words come out of her mouth as if a force is holding her back.

“3 days!” Caroline straightens her back and softens her voice, “The results from the last test showed some significant decreases. When comparing them to the other tests to see what we can do to stabilize this….”

Caroline pauses to confirm if Alease wants to hear more, to her surprise Alease stood her ground as if she was prepared for this.

Breaking Caroline’s heart watching this young girl act brave, she continues, “But the results showed your body isn’t responding to any medication or treatment. Even though when treated it’s only short-term as if we confused your body to accept the treatment but that also means when your body starts being alarmed by the foreign antibodies they try to get rid of it. I’m sorry your body is declining rapidly. I want to say you have at least a week but it seems we’ve guessed it might be even shorter. We’ll try our best to make you comfortable,”

Alease who hadn’t said a word or batten an eyelash continues to stay still in silence.

Caroline wishes she could read her mind but she can tell from the silence Alease is processing this in her own way.

“Please, call me if you have any questions. Nurse Kim is on duty today and will come in to give you your daily” She turns to leave and whispers under her breath, “I’m sorry,”

And walks out of the door, leaving Alease to her thoughts.

Alease’s body is dying and there’s nothing that anyone could do to help her. On top of that, she only has 3 days at most?

Tears roll down her face unsure if she’s dreaming or really dying. She always thought she would have a future to see once she gets better but now that’s a ridiculous dream.

Just as her body was exhausted from the news she collapsed on the bed, holding herself. As she cries, she can hear the sick kids coughing or the temporary patients coming back for a check-up outside her door.

‘Life, Light, and joy?’ closing her eyes, listening to every persons’ voice

‘What a great day to be alive’ repeating that through her tears until everything fades to darkness. While the smell of fresh sheets and antiseptic that now makes her feel nauseous from the thought of this is where and how she’ll die.

“Miss Miranda?” A sweet voice that could be described as honey, awakens Alease.

“Kim?” Alease calls out, eyes still shut, unable to face her envious new mindset of others.

‘If I look at her, I would cry again…. Won’t I? Or at least want to scratch her eyes out.’

“Yes, I’m here. Sorry for waking you it’s time for your meds,” Kim places the meds and cup of water on the side table.

Alease is still laying down, eyes closed.

“Alease let me help you up,” Kim softly places her hands on Alease’s shoulders and helps guide Alease up.

But with the limited time Alease has made her feel less motivated to take anything, ‘I’m going to die anyway!’

“Alease, are you feeling okay?” Kim is still by Alease's side, “Does anything hurt?”

“I would like to be left alone,” Alease says in a slow manner staring at her legs, “And do you mind bringing me some paper and a pen”.

“Of course! I’ll be right back,” Kim, who seemed happy to leave the depressed Alease, ran out of the room.

‘Kim may be sweet but she fears death’ Alease laughing to herself lays back down but this time she stares at the 6 pills on the bedside table.

‘Who would have thought these pills ain’t doing shit’

Tears crept down her cheek not taking her eyes off the pills as her vision blurred. ‘Fuck this!’

Minutes pass as Alease falls asleep from exhaustion again

Awaking her up again was Kim, “Alease, I’ve brought you pen and paper, I’ll leave it on the side you don’t need to get up,” Kim pauses before finishing placing the paper down.

“Please take your medicine before 10 pm, I’ll be back to check up on you” Kim turns around to walk out.

Kim pauses between the door, noticing the room feels slightly cold as she walks out of the room into the hallway, ‘Maybe someone turned on the AC for this room?’

Closing the door softly Kim glances up at Alease, ‘She seems fine with it’, shrugging her shoulders she heads to her next task.

Alease is still laying down, too scared to write to her friends and family for the last time. But she wanted them to know that she was ready and is perfectly fine. Giving them some peace of mind.

Alease turns to her left side and curls up holding herself, ‘who was I kidding…’ squeezing even tighter ‘I’m not ready! I’m not!’

She held it in for as long as she could but the tears and pain were pouring out.