
Surviving In This Messed Up World

Creepypasta’s,SCP’s Alternate worlds. At first i thought the wirld i was reincarnated in was normal. But i was very wrong. My sorry Ass is actually Friends with a supernatural being. Oh who may you ask well. It is non other than the Infamous Jeff the killier. You see he tried to kill me and i am a normal human being. BUT THE FACT THAT IT DOESNT STIP THERE MAKES ME SHIT MY PANTS…

Ender_Child · 其他
24 Chs

Jeff, Your Mother Fucked a Pig

Continue this. "Jaaaames, Where are you?, i just want to put you to sleep" Fuck?!!, What the hell did i do to get the attention of that bastard serial killer, and matter of fact. I thought he was Jeff, he as normal, had a normal face and skin.

Also i realized i wouldn't just be reincarnated into a fucking normal world by a smiling ROB that said he had good intentions. Well, the creepypasta verse isn't that dangerous if you know what to stay from. So it's fine.

BUT THIS ISNT. "fuck you Jeff?!!"

"Come on, let me just kill you, i promise to make it painful hahahahah" He said with a small laugh at the end of his voice.

"Or i could commit arson with you inside the house" I retorted.

Jeff's laughter echoed in the room, unsettling, like nails on a chalkboard. He took a step closer, his pale face illuminated by the dim light leaking through the curtains. His eyes, wide and devoid of any humanity, locked onto mine.

"You've got a mouth on you, James. I like that," he sneered, his knife twirling in his hand like a toy. "But the thing is… you don't get a choice."

I glanced around, searching for anything I could use to defend myself. The room was bare, and the only thing within reach was a broken chair. I grabbed the leg of the chair, holding it in front of me like a makeshift weapon. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing.

Jeff's grin widened, exposing sharp, crooked teeth. "Really? You think that's going to stop me?" he asked, his voice low and dripping with menace. He lunged forward suddenly, the knife flashing in his hand.

I barely managed to dodge, stumbling backward as the knife slashed the air where I had just been. My heart raced in my chest, adrenaline flooding my veins. I had to think fast, had to get out of here.

"Not today, Jeff," I muttered, my mind racing as I backed toward the window. It was my only escape.

Jeff tilted his head, curious. "You think you can run, James? I always find my prey. Always." His voice was calm, almost soothing, like he was talking about a casual hobby rather than murder.

I didn't wait for him to finish. With a burst of energy, I threw myself toward the window, smashing through the glass as I fell into the darkness outside.

The cold night air hit me as I tumbled onto the ground, but there was no time to think about the pain. I scrambled to my feet and started running, not looking back.

Behind me, I could hear Jeff's laughter growing fainter, but I knew he wasn't far behind.

I Knew it wouldn't be long until i an caught . But i wasn't going to give up, i will run until sunlight if i have to.

The branches whipped against my face as I tore through the woods, trying to put as much distance between me and that lunatic as possible. My lungs burned, legs screamed with exhaustion, but stopping wasn't an option. I could still hear Jeff, somewhere in the distance, his crazed giggle drifting through the trees like a nightmare that wouldn't end.

"Keep running, James!" I muttered to myself. "Just keep running…"

I didn't know how long I had been sprinting, but the night seemed endless. My mind raced, thinking about how I got here—this twisted reality, the smiling ROB who sent me here. I had thought I could survive, that I'd outsmart these maniacs if I just avoided the obvious threats. But now I was face to face with one of the worst—Jeff the Killer, and he wasn't the kind of guy you could just run from.

I tripped over a root and fell, my palms skidding across the dirt and rocks. Cursing under my breath, I pushed myself up. The sounds behind me had grown quieter. Had I lost him?

But then, just as hope began to creep in, a chilling voice echoed through the trees. "Run all you want, James. You're only making this more fun for me."

I looked around, heart hammering. The forest was dense, the darkness suffocating. I couldn't tell where he was, but I knew he was close. Too close.

I spotted a large tree with low-hanging branches. It wasn't much, but if I could climb high enough, maybe I could hide for a bit—catch my breath, come up with a plan. Without thinking, I ran to the tree, scaling it as fast as my shaky limbs would allow.

As I nestled in the crook of the tree, trying to steady my breathing, I heard footsteps crunching in the distance. Jeff's voice followed.

"Hide and seek, huh? I like that game," he whispered, his voice unnervingly close.

I held my breath, pressing my back against the rough bark. My mind raced. This wasn't just some fight for survival anymore—it was a game to him, and I was the prize. But I wasn't going down that easily.

"I didn't ask to be in this messed-up world," I thought, gripping a nearby branch for dear life. "But I'm not dying here, not like this."

Then it hit me. The ROB, the creepypasta verse—there had to be others here. Maybe not allies, but definitely other threats. If I could just stay alive long enough to lead Jeff toward something or someone worse, I might stand a chance.

I just had to survive the night.

Suddenly, Jeff's laughter cut through the stillness, freezing my blood. "Found you."

"Bro, whar i do" I asked desperately.

He smiled looking at me with his slitted mouth. "Hahah, We have been 'friends' for a month and you are a person who lives on the edges of this forest, where no one steps in, so don't you find it strange that someone would just wander into this deathtrap of a place? No one comes here, James. No one but me." Jeff's voice was a low rasp, filled with amusement.

I gritted my teeth, trying to suppress the rising panic. "So what? You think I just want to die out here? I didn't ask for this!"

"Maybe not," Jeff said, stepping closer, "but you're here now. And you're all mine."

"Pause, That sounded gay" I said looking at him with disgust.

I could see a vein popping on his head. "You know i always hated your annoying jokes"

"Waaa, i am so scared, well i am scared of death, but not your goofy ass face" I said as i shifted my position on the tree branch. I was praying that Something demonic appears and distracts this bastard…hopefully not one of slendermans group.

He gripped his knife and a snarl appeared on his face. Jeff's eyes narrowed as his grin faltered, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. His grip on the knife tightened, and for a brief second, I thought he might lose his composure entirely. But then, that twisted grin returned.

"You're trying real hard to make me angry, huh, James? Fine, you want to die with a joke on your lips? I'll make it happen," he growled, inching closer to the tree.

I glanced around, desperate for a distraction—anything to slow him down. The branches swayed slightly in the wind, and the eerie silence of the forest pressed in around me. My mind raced through options, none of them good.

"Look, Jeff," I started, trying to stall. "We've been at this for a while, right? Maybe you should—oh, I don't know—go chase some other poor soul? I mean, I'm not even that fun of a kill, you said so yourself."

Jeff's eyes gleamed with cruel amusement. "Oh, but you are fun. See, it's the ones who think they can talk their way out that are the most entertaining."

I was running out of time, and my joke was losing its effect. I could feel the tension crackling in the air, his patience thinning. Just as he took another step forward, something snapped in the distance—a branch, maybe? Both Jeff and I turned our heads sharply toward the sound.

I squinted through the darkness, heart pounding. There, deeper in the woods, something large moved, something that wasn't human. A tall, distorted figure, barely visible between the trees, stood still for a moment, its long limbs unnaturally stretched out as if it was surveying us.

"Shit…" I whispered, feeling a chill run down my spine.

The thing was tall and it had Sirens for heads…Why are there Trevor Handersom creatures in this world.

Jeff seemed to notice it too, but instead of fear, his grin widened further. "Well, well, looks like we've got company," he chuckled, eyes gleaming with sadistic glee. "Siren Head, huh? Oh, James, you've really stepped in it now."

My heart raced as I stared at the towering figure looming in the distance. Siren Head wasn't something I had even considered when thinking about the threats in this world. Dealing with Jeff was bad enough, but this? This was a whole new level of nightmare fuel.

"You're insane if you think you can take on that," I spat, trying to keep my voice steady despite the sheer terror creeping into my mind.

Jeff let out a low, guttural laugh, his eyes darting between me and the creature. "Who said I was gonna fight it? This just got a whole lot more interesting." He licked his lips, eyes wild with excitement.

Siren Head's metallic screech echoed through the trees, reverberating off the trunks, and sending a wave of nausea through me. The air seemed to thicken with tension as the ground beneath us trembled from the sheer presence of the monstrosity. Jeff seemed thrilled by the chaos, but I was already thinking of how to make my next move.

I glanced at him, then back at the towering creature, weighing my options. Maybe, just maybe, I could use this to my advantage.

"Hey, Jeff," I called out, trying to keep my voice casual despite the horror filling my gut. "Why don't you go say hi? Seems like you two would get along just fine."

He tilted his head toward me, his twisted grin never faltering. "Nice try, James, but I think you're the one who should introduce yourself. It's only polite."

The sound of a distant siren grew louder, the noise grating against my skull. Siren Head was coming closer, its massive, distorted body weaving through the trees with unsettling ease. Time was running out.

I had to act fast. "Okay, fine!" I shouted, pretending to give in. "You win, Jeff. I'll go meet our new friend."

With one swift motion, I jumped from the tree and bolted toward the direction of Siren Head, praying that Jeff would follow. And he did, his laughter ringing out behind me as I ran deeper into the forest, toward the horror waiting in the dark.

My plan wasn't perfect, but if I could lure Jeff into the path of that thing, maybe—just maybe—I could slip away in the chaos.

The ground shook as Siren Head's enormous frame came into view, its sirens blaring so loud it felt like my eardrums were going to burst. I risked a glance behind me and saw Jeff, still running after me, knife in hand, his twisted face lit with manic excitement.

The moment Siren Head moved, I ducked to the side, diving behind a large boulder just in time to avoid being crushed by one of its massive limbs. Jeff wasn't so lucky.

With a bone-chilling screech, Siren Head swatted at Jeff like he was an insect, sending him flying across the clearing. He slammed into a tree with a sickening thud, and for a moment, everything went silent.

I held my breath, praying Jeff would stay down, that this would finally be over.

But then, through the dim light, I saw him slowly rise, wiping blood from his mouth, his grin never fading. "Now this is fun," he whispered, looking directly at me.

"Are you kidding me?" I muttered under my breath. This guy really didn't know when to quit.

Siren Head, still looming ominously, turned its attention back toward Jeff, its sirens emitting another gut-wrenching wail. The sound was enough to make me cover my ears, the pain unbearable.

But as much as Jeff loved the chaos, even he knew better than to stay. With a mocking wave in my direction, he took off into the woods, disappearing into the shadows as Siren Head lumbered after him.

I took the chance and bolted in the opposite direction, adrenaline the only thing keeping me moving at this point. I didn't stop running until I was sure I had put enough distance between myself, Jeff, and that monstrous abomination.

Panting and exhausted, I collapsed near a small creek, the sound of the rushing water the only thing that felt remotely normal in this twisted world. For now, I was safe. But how long would it last?

I glanced up at the sky, wondering if the ROB was somewhere, watching and laughing at the chaos he'd thrown me into.

"Thanks for nothing, you smiling bastard," I muttered, catching my breath. But deep down, I knew this was far from over.