
Surviving in my Own Unpublished Failed Novel

CLICHES LIST: TOWER ✓ DUNGEONS ✓ CONSTELLATIONS ✓ A cliche story of a man, Russell Moon, who has been reincarnated inside his own novel – an unpublished one at that, if that even makes sense! Being in a new world that he was familiar with, he began to uncover the mysteries behind his reincarnation even after trying his best to avoid getting involved, knowing the clear ending of peace if he just let the main characters do their routines. However, he also discovered what he later called "Untouched Elements" These elements could be said to be translated into the saying, I didn't know this shit!

False_Architect · 奇幻
260 Chs

The War "Inside" [5]

The Vampire Lands, similar to the number of the Vampire Lords, were composed of 'twelve' vampiric territories, and each of them was named after the twelve Vampire Clans; Rainfire, Disruption, Bloodcalm, Blood Wind, Bloodmist, Crimson Sky, Blood Earth, Hell Blood, Sea Blood, Scorching Crimson, and lastly, the clans closely related to the Crimson Goddess herself, the Vlad and Salem clans.

Among these twelve Vampire Clans, in terms of geographical location, the one closest to the Northern border of the Elnira Kingdom was the twelfth, or the Rainfire Clan, which was situated on the Southeast of the Vampire Lands and was known as the Land of Rainfire. In addition, this was also the certain land where Ayleen Mayfield, Samantha Hall, Russell Moon, along with the remaining members of the Umbra Mercenary, infiltrated with the utilization of Ayleen's Dream Strike, and the Skill: Bridge of Memory.