
Surviving Fallout with Essence

Dropped in the post apocalypse of the Fallout Universe with the Essence of Scholar and Crafter but has little to no skills in combat.

Damon_Jager · 游戏衍生
21 Chs

Entry 1


I do not know who put me here on this godforsaken hellhole but FUCK YOU and thank you. I know I died of Covid in the year 2022 but somehow I ended up in 2285 from what one of the traders said.

Anyway, To explain better I was dying of Covid one moment in the hospital feeling my life draining away. Then no white light or meeting a ROB nope just dropped wearing a Hospital Gown and a note saying they gave me some powers.

Nice powers but still, a more personal touch would have been nice. I mean what just give me some pants at least. This is where I discovered my powers.

The Powers they gave me we're actually quite good. The Essence of The Scholar and Crafter, the scholar gave me a complete understanding of science and engineering so long as I have a want or need to understand it, while the crafter let me make anything given enough time. It also gave me my phone which contained about 500 downloaded songs, All source dnd books, and a bunch of downloaded movies form Netflix.

But the powers had a cost, while I wasn't a massive guy back on my Earth what ever brought me here turned me into Milo from the Journey to Atlantis. But it would hopefully be worth it because.

The Crafter Essence gave me the ability to summon simple materials in small amounts enough to get me some cloths and make a simple bag, sadly I could give me food and water but it did get me clothed. It could make enough to make a mech or something but it could give me enough to that at least.

After making my clothes and bag, I began my walk along the Road towards some kind of civilization. Along the way I scavenged a thing of metal off a car. It was just a piece of metal attached to a stick making a spear.

I would stop along the way and grab some scrap most the occasional wild fruit and the like that I collected along the way I didn't even try the water. Eventually I got lucky and was able to find a merchant and his bodyguard which were nice enough to give me directions after they saw how I looked and had no real weapons, apparently I was just North Kingston light house apparently they and a small settlement their I could try.

I had to rush a little to make it before sundown, but I made it to the settlement who I had to turn my spear over to be let in. But they let me stay the night and I had to eat my own food but tomorrow their leader would work something out in the morning.


Day 2

It wasn't a dream, I was stuck here.


-Multiple words are crossed out mixed with water drops-

I've calmed down now and have decided what I am going to do in the short term. One is getting some caps as I was less than dirt poor, and I had a good idea how. The settlement here is mostly relies on fishing and it's crops and from what I have found they really only fish from the docks as their boat had been out of commission for awhile.

That gave me a good idea, if I can get it moving it while get me some good change and maybe a trip to Diamond City Via it. Long term was staying away from the institute and setting up shop in the Mechanist Layer juts east of Bunker hill.

It was one of safest locations in Boston, with some work of some Robots I could make it pretty safe if a bit lonely.

The families that set up shop here numbered about 30 in all and their leader was a older man probably about 40-45 from juts how weathered he looked.

————-The Deal

A guard escorted me to the main house on the settlement, it was pretty run down to age and the salt air rotting much of it away. The windows were boarded, the roof had a lot of plywood over it.

John-"Your that dumb traveler that stayed the night, why would you even travel without any gear in the wasteland."

Milo-"....yes, I mean no I don't know. But thank you for letting me stay the night here, also I was want to see if you guys have some work for a mechanic to get some caps. I can pretty much make anything you guys need, if you let me I'll take a look at that fishing boat you have by the docks."

John-"Hmmm, I won't let you mess with ship not yet. But their are some things that need to be fixed and if you can work on some of our pipe guns that have been damaged. After that I'll think about you working on the ship."

Milo-"I'll take it, I really don't have any other options."

————-The Deal

Day-2 continued

The deal can out to be that they will put me up and pay me if I can fix a bunch of their old equipment And guns they had acquired over the years.

So the plan is to stay here for a couple of weeks and save some caps, then scout out the surrounding area to scavenge enough to make some better gear.

I want to make a magnetic smelter to forge some better tools as most of the wastelanders us scavenged gear and tools. After that I'll start to make more exotic gear.