
Survive Romance

Hana, a person from the modern world, entered a novel she had read. A romance novel that most people are interested in, unfortunately she possesses the antagonist. Violet Sank Krakton, the Duke's only daughter and the family's favorite. She didn't rebel or try to change the plot, but strangely enough the plot changed for unknown reasons. What began as a romance became a survival novel. Can Violet find out the reason for the terrible plot change? After that, can the plot change back to normal or continue? "It turns out that you caused the plot of this novel to change, do you feel regret now? Just a little, regret that you've caused so many innocent people to die. Did you ever?" Violet Sank Krakton. "Tell me, do you want to destroy it? Disappear? Whatever it is, I can do it for you." Unknown male lead.

Auth_YP · 奇幻言情
1 Chs

Chapter 1

"Help! Save me, Miss Violet!"

"No! Don't kill my family! Help, someone!"

The neighborhood that once shared smiles now shared screams and blood. Not a single resident was free of blood, including the person who often called for help, Violet.

The girl was covered in blood as well. The look on her face was one of utter exhaustion as her protective ring of fire slowly began to disappear, allowing a large monster to run at Violet.

In a split second, Violet felt pitiful, in the midst of the chaos and destruction of the world, she could do absolutely nothing. Now she couldn't even save a single citizen from the sudden attack of a new species of monster.

She was helpless.

"Miss Duke Krakton, help us!"

"Please save my son, at least help him!"

Where did it all begin? When Violet's soul enters the world of this novel? Or when Violet sees a monster for the first time?

The first kind of monster.

By the way, the novel Violet enters has no tragedies or monsters, everything changes for some unknown reason. But Violet is sure that the reason is not her. She has always played the role of the villain who bullies the female protagonist.

Perhaps because of this person, Violet was convinced that one of the reasons the plot of the novel changed drastically was because of another transmigrator. There were two transmigrators in this world, Violet and this woman.

She's the one who fooled so many people with her cunning theatrics.

So it all started when Violet first saw the shape of the monster that changed the plot, so horrible and disgusting. Until that moment, anyone who saw it would vomit.

"Everyone, thank you for coming to the engagement ceremony of the royal successor, Crown Prince Lucius Oswi Dvorkha and Saintess Ana Vlaino," the young-looking king greeted all the guests.

His face was quite handsome, typical royal hair, gold, irises as red as blood, everything about him was charming, but he rarely smiled. He always showed a cold, emotionless face to everyone, including the queen and the concubines.

Violet wasn't surprised, because that's how it was written in the novel. The Cold King ruled the kingdom of Dvorkha with the power of the mind, but there was a slight difference. To Violet's knowledge, the king's physique was not described as being so handsome.

It was a bit odd, but that wasn't her concern.

Violet's job here is to poison the female lead, Ana Vlaino. One more act before she is sentenced to death.

It's a cliché in a novel Violet is reading, where the villain dies by poisoning the female lead.

The reason Violet is reading this novel is to pass the time. In her world, Violet is often called Hana, a senior crossbow athlete.

At that time, Violet, who was preparing for the Olympic semifinals, suddenly opened her eyes in a strange place. Just as one of Violet's arrows flew, the lights in the training room suddenly went out.

No accident or oversleeping. It really doesn't make sense.

This novel is certainly in the romance genre, where the male lead, Lucius, falls in love with Ana, and then it goes on just like the plot of a typical romance novel. What's a little different is the ending.

If the two main characters end up living together, they don't in this novel. They are killed by the evil family, the Duke Krakton. Yes, the family Violet was just using.

"Your Highness the Crown Princess, are you free tomorrow? I would like to invite you to a tea party."

Violet looked at the source of the voice. Ana looked as if the sun was shining, unlike her. As dark as the moon. It was very obvious thanks to her clothes and her aura.

If Violet always wore simple dark clothes, Ana was the opposite. She always wore light colors.

As for Ana's physique, there was nothing different. Long, snow-white hair, a sparkling golden pearl, and a simple face. Ana is very suitable for a saint.

Violet herself had brown hair, the typical Krakton color, reddish and brown irises, and a mole on her nose. The aura she radiates is very elegant, in contrast to Ana, who radiates innocence.

Well, the hero and the villain are always opposites.

"Doesn't that go with your hands? Unlike someone else, you're more suited to wear a ring and become the Crown Princess!" exclaimed one of the noblewomen surrounding Ana.

Was she being sarcastic towards Violet?

"What? Who? Don't be like that, everyone fits into a fancy, pretty ring like that. I can wear it because it's so expensive," Ana replied with a bright smile.

Violet didn't care. She was only focused on the glass Ana was holding, which contained a deadly poison. One sip was enough to make someone lose their breath.

"Your Highness is very modest, yes, even a crown princess is modest. If only all noble ladies were like you, the kingdom would definitely be peaceful."

What a disgusting compliment. Violet couldn't bear to hear it, she wanted to get out of this room as soon as possible.

"What does Miss mean? Don't all women have a humble nature? They just don't like to show it to random people. Everyone has their own specialty," Ana said, preparing to take a sip of the drink she was holding.

This was it, the moment Violet had been waiting for. After this, she might be able to return to her homeworld. Not stuck with these disgusting people.

"Sister ...."

"My daughter, darling ...."

"My beautiful, beautiful sister ...."

Suddenly, the image of the Krakton family smiling warmly appeared. For some reason, it made Violet feel a pain in her heart. Something heavy pressed on her heart, making the feeling of pain palpable.

Is it possible that Violet is starting to have a crush?

No, this is not her world and Violet will leave this world soon. If she had a heart, Violet would be in as much pain alone as she was in the original world.

Crying alone with no one by her side.



The glass with the poisoned drink toppled over, all because of a loud bang. The sound came from behind the closed door of the room.

Everyone immediately looked at the door as it continued to bang, including Violet. She, disappointed that the glass had fallen to the floor, immediately looked at the door. Her mind continued to listen to the sound until it came to a horrible conclusion.

"It's not the sound of someone knocking or something falling, it sounds like someone breaking down that big door." Violet's voice made everyone choke.

This was a serious matter, if there really was a figure breaking down the door in the absence of the king and the first concubine, then it was certainly a clever figure.

Violet called it a figure because that sound wasn't what a human would make when breaking down a door. It was louder and bigger.

"It's bad! The door is about to split, please do something, His Highness the Crown Prince!" said one of the people here.

"Right, if there are monsters attacking, you must protect us. Everyone here is an important noble!"

Funny to hear, Violet wanted to reply, "Aren't I important? I'm the Crown Prince!".

"Calm down..."



Everyone's eyes widened as the big door shattered into pieces. Some of the nobles immediately ran up the stairs, looking extremely frightened.