
Survival: last of my kind

A brave and lone survivor must learn to live amongst savages with only a small glimmer of hope for the resurrection of his people

Guardian1 · 科幻
7 Chs

ch 4

Khnum looked at the idol and was rendered speechless because simply it was too impressive calling it beautiful somehow felt like a understatement that cheapened the idol it's presence alone made him feel as if he had come face to face with the actual god himself but was even more disturbing was the fact that Xavin called this a ruff first attempt.

Khnum:[That's what you call a ruff first attempt?!]

Me:[I admit its not my best work but given all your short comings I thought I did a decent job I didn't believe it was that bad as your insinuating]

Khnum:[I didn't say it was bad infact I'm at loss for words to describe how magnificent it is; its just so life like!]

Me:[And again your species continues to disappoint me...but if you are giving such high praise we should continue developing the surroundings to make this place truly worthy of a god]

Khnum:[What do you mean isn't the statue enough?]

Me:[Of course not we want to project divine providence on the place of which the statue sits giving the image that this place is the god's holy land on earth]


Me:[So I can begin building my following]

The next several hours were spent rearranging stones and plants to beautyfiy the area turning it into a natural garden followed by digging a trench to connect a nearby stream to the garden the entire design seemed meticulously created but some how naturally part of nature even with the idol after it was finally finished the sun was beginning to set but looking upon it did seem as if this is the holy ground of a god as if the very presence of the place was sacred and all of this was done in one day which seemed impossible.

Because the sun was setting a certain maid was sent by Amun to go fetch his grandson because he wasn't blind he knew that his grandson lusted after the young and very beautiful Anat with her incredible figure it was the very reason she was hired in the first place especially because she was a devout worshiper of the Egyptian gods he hoped to use her to guide him back to the right path and maybe gain some experience with women while he searched for his bride for his grandson.

Anat:"Is this the fields Aaru? Did I die? I don't remember being judged by lord Osiris but then how could there be a place so beautiful on earth?"

Me:"This is not the fields of Aaru but the work of my labor you comparing it to such a place fills me with pride"

Hearing my voice startled her out of her trance as turned to me in astonishment just realizing that I was standing there the entire time.

Anat:"Khnum please forgive my impertinence but how did you manage to do all this within a day when you were by yourself?"

Me:"I am not entirely sure myself but as I began to carve the idol it was as if something came over me and I couldn't stop until I completely changed the area around it into what you see before you as if something was guiding me to do so"

Anat stared at me in awe and wonder as if she had come face to face with the living incarnation of her faith made flesh I knew that this would be the best time for me to begin my next step.

Me:"Anat I have been infatuated with you from the moment I laid eyes on you the more I learned about you the more I wanted to know but I never had the courage to reach out to you because of what you might have thought of me until now Anat I know that it isn't appropriate for me to ask but I want you to be my woman"

Khnum:[What are you doing!?]

Me:[Taking the necessary next step something that you apparently lack the genitalia to accomplish a god must have certainty their can be no doubt; doubt only leads to one's own demise]

Khnum:[I'm not a god! What if she says no then I will have lost my only chance with her!]

Me:[If you do nothing then nothing will change and you still would have lost your female to a true alpha inaction is your worst enemy as there is no one to blame but yourself if the female says no you have lost nothing as it wasn't yours to begin with]

Anat:"I..yes I want to be yours Khnum I admit at first I didn't have any interest in you because you always looked at me with what I assumed was lust full eyes, you seemed lazy and uncultured but the last couple of days have opened my eyes to another side of you that I have never seen before and I want to be by your side but I'm not sure if it is allowed even though I want you I'm uncertain if we can truly be together it would sully your reputation"

Me:[What reputation the staff thinks you are a problem child that was pushed onto their master to re-educate in a vain hope to salvage you the fact that the female thinks differently is no doubt that there is something wrong with this female]

Khnum:[How do you know what they think and there is nothing wrong with her]

Me:[Whether there is nothing wrong with the female I can't be certain but how I know what they think it is because I do the one thing that you can't]

Khnum:[Read their thoughts?]

Me:[No I listen to them speak apparently most see this change as temporary and their mannerisms suggest disdain]

Me:"If you are uncomfortable with us having a public relationship then we can keep it secret for now"

Khnum:[What are you doing there is no way she is going to agree to that!]

Anat:"Then if you truly want me then I can agree to having a secret relationship"