
Survival: last of my kind

A brave and lone survivor must learn to live amongst savages with only a small glimmer of hope for the resurrection of his people

Guardian1 · 科幻
7 Chs

ch 2

The female creature looked at me with what I could determine as adoration after sift through Khnum's memories I also discovered that this female is called Anat and that she is considered beautiful as Khnum practiced alot of self abuse with her as the main focus although she seemed to have kept a professional distance.

Khnum's grandfather seemed to only employ Egyptians to work for him going so far as to fly them here to America which apparently would be considered an extreme course of action to acquire a servant for these creatures even though they are all the same species they seem to have a lot of unnecessary bias towards others of their species.

Me:"I am sorry Anat I didn't know you were there and thank you for the generous compliment"

Anat:"Not at all young master you are very talented"

Me:"Please call me Khnum"

Anat:"I couldn't possibly it ..."

Me:"Its just us so at least when we're alone like this please use my name"

Anat:"I...ok..Khnum I will" a strange red coloring flooded her face

It was at this time that the real Khnum was waking up finally I could just crush his mind and assume control of his body but I don't know his mannerisms or what is considered normal to these creatures and that would put me at risk until I fully integrated everything he knew I would still have need of him.

[thought conversation]

Khnum:[What is going on how did I get back to the estate? Why is Anat blushing? Where is the ALIEN!?]

Me:[That is a rather rude way to refer to someone]

Khnum:[Are you speaking with me in my mind!? Who are you!? And get out of my head!?]

Me:[Yes I am speaking to you in our mind I am Xavin of house Monkshood as for getting out of our head well that is impossible]

Khnum:[What do you mean impossible!?! Get out of my head!]

Me:[The way I see it I have two choices one I crush your mind because you are a burden or I keep you around because you are useful so tell me what are you useful or burden?]

Khnum:[Are you serious!?]


Khnum:[Then useful?]

Me:[Is that a question?]


Me:[Good and you will see it isn't all bad working with me just look at how Anat is staring at you I can make her yours but why settle for just one female when you could have a harem]

The conversation in my mind lasted barely a second before I returned to back to conversing and flirting with the female to show Khnum how easy it is to tame a female of his species.

It was not long until one of the human servants of Khnum's grandfather came to find him in order to continue one his daily lessons from his grandfather although said servant seemed jealous about our closeness he still brought me to Khnum grandfather Amun.

Amun:"Khnum have you picked a patron god yet like I have asked you?"

Me:"I still need time to think on who I am before I decide whom to follow"

Amun:"Finally a good answer out of you I thought you would have just picked one at random to shut me up!" that was exactly Khnum's plan

Me:"I know haven't been taking any of your lessons seriously before but I would like to meditate on what you taught me to find my path"

Amun:"Good use the rest of the day to do so I will have servant call you for dinner in the evening"

Khnum:[That's it? No long lecture about each god, no philosophy speech, no rambling nonsense at all?]

Me:[This is because it isn't nonsense this religion thing could be very useful]

Khnum:[What do you mean?]

Me:[What I mean is I was looking through your memories and humans would easily kneel to a god so all I have to do is become one]

Khnum:[I'm confused]

Me:[I know you are, humans will fight invasion but will give themselves to gods]

Khnum:[In that case why not become a devil?]

Me:[Are you stupid or retarded I just said humans fear invasion I got this information from your mind in almost all forms of media they fight against any perceived threat]

Khnum:[Then how will you become a god?]

Me:[Simple I will use the Egyptian pantheon as my spring board if people some how find out that I am not from this world...well there are many theories that Egyptian gods are actually aliens any way although I wouldn't be surprised if that was true]

Having been given the rest of the day for myself I returned to where I stashed the ship and began and began setting up a basic laboratory so that I could cobble together some decent technology to at least have some semblance of civility so don't have to live these savages and since I was already here I decided to create hybridization formula to use in the future.

After I created some of the bare essentials to live comfortably it was time to start building my following and I had the ideal creatures on hand for the next step in my plan to sit on the throne as a god now all I needed was a patron god but I wasn't exactly sure who I wanted just yet.