
The Ninth Game: Food and Provision 14

Dozens of people were submerged in warm water, and Wen Nannan detected a strong smell of disinfectant.

"1086, do you think they want to turn us into food?" Xiao Ai, who had swum over quickly, asked Wen Nannan.

Before Wen Nannan could respond, she noticed a fixed conveyor belt above them. It had downward-facing hooks, similar to the ones used to grab them earlier, and they began to descend abruptly.


Wen Nannan pressed Xiao Ai's head into the water with one hand and submerged herself completely as well. At that instant, the hooks lifted six or seven of their companions out of the pool.

After a dizzying whirl, Wen Nannan and the others landed in a dark, damp area filled with a sticky, foul odor. They were likely in the sewers.

Not everyone fell down-the sewer valve opened only momentarily before being shut by the Bugu. The few who escaped seemed to be like fish slipping from a jar.