

A little wolf born on a desolate continent in a forest where the weak are prey and the strong are still prey struggles to rise to the top of the food chain in its pursuit of perfection, but how can one be perfect without achieving eternity?

Dagan · 奇幻
582 Chs

Saptarishi Mountain

Kai Syaoran had told him about the requirements for the trial and he had also understood why Kai Syaoran had turned down the inheritance. He had not expected that the queen would be chosen by the trial in such a manner. "She will either die or ascend to the heavens with a single step," said Kai Syaoran. 

"This might be the spark that releases the flood gates of war upon this world. "said Fan Juan. 

 They did not have to wait long as the queen reappeared just a few seconds later. 

A pillar of golden light shot into the sky and dispersed the clouds. 

When the pillar disappeared, the queen stood there with an aura of holy transcendence about her. 

"I will protect my people."

She said.

Kai Syaoran thought about killing her where she stood and even looked at the Supreme protector to seek permission but this was when dark clouds gathered above the queen.