
Wretched Land (Part 1)

"Also, it's not only the mons- the people of Zelex who need fresh troops." Ilthin said while pointing at the still-open Gate.

"I know that Malyshka is a good person but she's no saint. Staying at all times in Zelex means halting her research and travels." Solus said. "What's the catch?"

"Well, let's say that Mother is still very intrigued by hybrid children. In a way, the people of Zelex are hybrids as well since they are stuck between a reverted and a fallen state." Ilthin replied.

"We undead also have a flawed mana core and Mother is checking if the same principle that temporarily fixes a monster core while on a geyser can work on us too."

"That's the Malyshka I know." Solus chuckled, knowing that Baba Yaga couldn't be too far away.

"I resent that!" The Red Mother said but she didn't dare show her face due to the truth of those words flushing her cheeks.