
Words and Actions (Part 2)

'She'll kick my ass and the only thing I'll obtain is to ruin Solus' friendship with her.'

The Mother noticed Lith clenching the armrests of his chair and so did Dawn.


"Yes, dear?" Baba Yaga asked.

"I know that this may be hard to believe, but despite all of our differences, I've come to respect Solus and Nyka. To them, I may just be a heartless mass murderer but to me, they are the closest thing to friends I've ever had.

"They have opened their hearts and lives to me without expecting anything in return. We have fought and cared for each other even though our interests didn't align. I don't want to end our relationship with the sour aftertaste of a secret exposed instead of willingly revealed.

"Can you please put a seal on me as you did with Night and make me incapable of sharing anything I know about them?" Dawn asked.