
Willpower and Imagination (Part 2)

"That's rich coming from you." He scoffed. "You have put your life in Faluel's hands just to get Awakened. Even though you are not her Harbinger, she can order you around and kill you the moment she finds you wanting.

"If Faluel really turns you into a Harbinger, you are going to become like Solus. You'll lose your privacy and free will. You'll even be forced to abandon your family if that's what she wants.

"As I see it, your actions are way more extreme than mine even though life gave you everything. You chose to gamble everything just for your thirst for power whereas I'm forced to do it to stop being a monster.

"Until I get rid of this thing inside of me, I'll never be happy. You have no idea how it feels, knowing that the moment people learn the truth about you they'll hunt you down. How hard it is to fight against yourself every day to not scare those around you."