
Weight of Power (Part 2)

'I guess that I need to have a word with Senton.' Raaz knew of their problems, but wasn't aware of how bad the situation was. 'Back when Lith was little. I walked a mile in Senton's shoes and then some.

'The difference between us is that I was too happy for the help that Lith gave to the family to care about my fatherly pride whereas Senton feels eclipsed by his own daughter.'

Lith closed the conversation with Solus and then the breakfast continued in an Awkward silence until he was forced to leave for the White Griffon.

"How long will the lesson take?" Kamila was both happy and scared at the idea of spending a bit of time on her own.

Lith's constant care was a bit annoying but it also kept anyone from trying and hazing her. From the academy, there was no way to leave the Golems or the Demons with her.