
Weakness of the Flesh (Part 2)

After watching Solus struggle to crawl on the floor and hearing her whimpers, the mage sighed in relief. He took his hand off the alarm and called a colleague for help.

"Xannon, I need a hand here. Some rookie must have gone overboard on their first procedure and made the specimen unable to walk." He whispered to not let the supervisor overhear.

"Again? How can they always fuck up? Do you need a mop or just a stretcher?"

"The stretcher will do. She has yet to relieve her bowels on the floor. Let's find the idiot who treated her and let them deal with their mess." The mage said.

"She? As in cute?" Xannon's interest was piqued.

"Sort of. She's really short and a bit overweight." At those words, Solus's fear was replaced by rage, but it only lasted for an instant.

"Good gods, Grem, what's wrong with her hair?" Xannon asked while pointing at the many elemental streaks.