
Wayfinder (Part 1)

"Supreme Magus Verhen. Lady Verhen." Everyone but the Royals and the Empress greeted them first in respect. "It's an honor to have you here."

"The honor is mine." Lith replied. "To what do I owe this summon?"

"We need you for the maiden voyage of your masterpiece." Meron spoke first. "Allow me to present you the Wayfinder."

At a snap of his fingers, the arrays of the room conjured the hologram of a long train at one end of the table. The projection moved through simulated plains and marshes before stopping in front of Lith.

"That's amazing!" Kamila clapped her hands in excitement.

The hologram was too detailed to be just a promo based on the drawings of an engineer.

It was the actual footage of a test run of the artifact. It meant that the Wayfinder had already been completed and that it was stored in some secret warehouse of the Kingdom.