
Violet Cores (Part 1)

'I've got more bad news.' Solus said. 'The fucker wore a cloaking device that kept me from noticing earlier that he has a blood core. Kwart is a thrall.'

Unbeknownst to her, Solus was dead wrong. Deirus had predicted how things would have gone and what kind of demonstration the King would have opted for down to the smallest detail.

He had not only forced all the Archmages of his group to practice first magic like madmen and to pass unto each other the tips they had collected their whole lives, but he had also hired a Vampire from his contacts in the Courts to give them just enough juice for the task at hand.

Vampires didn't take thralls easily since it drained from them the power that they bestowed upon their servants, but the price that Deirus paid would allow the undead to keep enjoying his luxurious life while also staying out of the war.

'Fuck me sideways.' Lith replied as whispers filled the room.