
Victors and Vanquished (Part 2)

'I didn't send them a card because the sudden blow is the one that hurts the most, yet now they are gone. I should have struck earlier.' Opral thought.

"Is everything to your liking?" The Kingdom's emissary said.

Lith's assets had all been seized and in times of war, the country needed all the funds it could get. Count Zint had offered to pay for both buildings more than their market value, making his offer hard to resist.

The Kingdom already had the codes for the arrays of the Verhen Mansion and Orpal had taken a long appreciative visit. He felt like a conqueror counting his spoils of war.

As for the Verhen Household, the array system had yet to be cracked, but the Dead King didn't mind the wait. It only made things more exciting.

"Liking is an understatement, I love them!" Orpal said with a huge smile on his face. "Life is wonderful even though it has a bit of twisted sense of irony."