
Valeron’s Legacy (Part 1)

"Because as Baba Yaga kindly pointed out to Kalla, now everyone knows that my mother has the Eyes and unlike you, she has no Guardian covering her bony ass. Can you imagine how dejected she was?" The Vampire burst into a belly laugh.

"That's mean of you, Nyka." Solus said.

"Egotistical? Yes. Mean? No. I don't want Mom to become a Lich and what she calls progress is the stuff of my nightmares. Long story short, she gave me the Eyes because she knew that if she came here, she wouldn't resist the temptation."  Nyka said.

"Fair enough." Lith nodded and asked her to activate the synchronization between the two sets of Eyes.

Nyka tapped the left, up, and down side of the left lens of her artifact, making the golden pince-nez emit a light glow.

"Excellent. My hope is that with a mana geyser supporting the tower, we can copy the database of the original." Lith said. "In the meantime, I'd like to perform a few experiments."