
Unpleasant Circumstances (Part 1)

"Fine. Solus Menadion-Verhen I hereby invite you into your home in Belius." Kamila knocked on the ring as if they were speaking through a door.

"What do you mean, my home?" Solus took her human form, timidly looking around.

"I mean that you must stop feeling like an intruder. You are part of this family and of this marriage as well." Kamila replied. "I don't want you to think about this place as a sanctuary you're barred from.

"It's just like your tower, except that it belongs to me and has no special property aside from the happy memories it holds."

Before Solus could reply, Kamila took a step forward and embraced her.

"I want you to consider this apartment as your home. The three of us have no memories together here, but that doesn't mean that we can't make them from now on."

"Thank you." Solus held her tight, fighting back an insistent tear that wanted to be shed.