
Unborn Power (Part 2)

"Because it's the exact opposite of what is happening to Radusk, my son." The Firstborn clenched his own hands to keep at bay the rage that transpired from his voice. "His Vampire half literally sucks the life out of him, making him grow thin and sickly."

Radusk was a naturally born Vampire-human hybrid and the presence of the blood core had turned his hair silvery like that of an old man and his skin as white as an albino's.

"I'm so sorry for you." Despite the reassurances, Kamila was actually scared for her baby. Yet if there was anything wrong, she had three Guardians to count on whereas Vladion was alone. "Is there anything you can do to help him?"

"Feeding helps, but there's only so much that a few spoons of 'cough medicine' can do. I don't have the heart to give so much blood to a little boy. It might scar him for life or even worse, it might trigger his hunger." He replied.