
Twin Melodies (Part 2)

Lith could notice that his appearance resembled the one he had assumed in the past while trying to save Protector and when he faced the Clackers in the forest. It lacked the horns, the wings, and the tail.

His face was a black slate with no nose or ears. Two yellow eyes were open, while the slits for the other four, albeit being recognizable, were wide shut. Lith tried multiple times to open them but to no avail.

"Damn, I look like a demon." When Lith spoke, he revealed a mouth filled with sharp fangs. It wasn't visible before because the scales covering his face matched to perfection.

"Remarkable." Kalla said. "You've already learned how to shapeshift and you did it on your own at that. Scarlett tried to teach me, but it was too complex. Plus, I deemed it useless. I have no desire to change my physical appearance just to please others."