
Trade Off (Part 1)

"How can you suggest to order the Demons to blow themselves up like it's a joy ride? The second part of your strategy is almost as disgusting as the idea of attacking the elven villages." Kamila said.

"Listen, Lady Verhen, I understand your outrage and I sincerely wish there was still something inside of me that could give half a fuck about it. There's not. Twenty-three years ago, someone decided to teach me a lesson by slaughtering my family and my village.

"I've learned my lesson and taught one of my own to the Kingdom. Now it's your turn. What lesson do you want to teach your husband? To just roll over and die whenever his enemies have loved ones?

"To sit there and take it because two wrongs don't make a right?" Balkor paused long enough for Kamila to think about an answer before resuming talking the moment she opened her mouth.