
Tower Upgrade (Part 1)

"Don't cry, Selia."  Solus glared at Lith for his lack of empathy and went to the huntress' bedside. "Lith and I can take turns and keep you company until the baby is born."

"Really?" Selia sniffled.

"Really." Solus nodded. "You have my word."

"Good." Selia blew her nose, her voice steady again. "Ryman, Fenrir, you are my witnesses. They promised."

"What the heck?" Solus was flabbergasted. "Was that all an act?"

"Not everything, just the tears." Selia shamelessly admitted, snapping her fingers at Protector for snacks. "I do have to stay in bed and everyone has to be quiet. That much is true.

"Why do you think I never told anyone anything, not even to Elina, via the amulet? Because this way you'd feel guilty about neglecting me and be more easily swayed."

"This is just another of your rip-off deals." Solus scoffed. "Just give me one good reason to not take back my offer."