
Torn Apart (Part 2)

Rage for being once again helpless and useless. Rage for being sent away like a child while his son fought to the death for those stupid fields and house Raaz had whined about for months to get them back.

Pushing Frey and Filia away was the hardest thing Vastor had done in his whole life. Every time they clung to him again, his determination faltered. Yet with every tear they shed, it grew strong again.

'I'm a relic of the past. I have to ensure them a future worth living.' He thought while entrusting them to Zinya.

"Do you really have to go?" Elina felt like dying inside yet she stood strong.

It wasn't the first time that Lith risked his life but it was the first time she was painfully aware that he might not come back to her. Even when the Royals had sent him to recapture cities in the past, retreat was always an option.