
Toll of the Void (Part 1)

A tendril of Spirit Magic found Felmor, a baby less than one years old who cried in panic and terror.

"Your son will live, but he will own nothing but his life." Lith Warped the child away before unleashing all the spells he had at the ready along with a river of Void Flames.

Earth and fire magic made the ground below the Hogum household crack open as it turned into magma. The black fire hit the fissures, making them burst. At the same time, the Demons of Flames self-detonated, producing a volcanic explosion.

The storm clouds above the mansion cleared and the quake stopped. The world tribulation couldn't happen anymore and the planet turned their attention to more pressing matters.

Lith's mana core calmed down as well, the violet energy it contained sealed again into thin streaks. Whatever Mogar and his core wanted from him, he had failed them both for the second time in a single day.