
To Kill a Magus (Part 2)

To make matters worse, while the darkness-infused constructs started to wrap themselves around Lith's limbs and slipped past his defenses, the Nightwalker was relentless in his attack.

Not only was Ulma the better swordsman, hitting more and more often as Dark Mastery restricted Lith's movements, but also the bolts of lightning and ice coming from the elemental spheres phased through him.

Being made from his mana, the various spells did no harm to each other and their caster. By standing in front of Lith, Ulma blinded his vision and kept his sword busy while the projectiles hammered at him from every direction.

Lith conjured another Spirit Barrier but it was instantly destroyed. The Nightwalker lunged with his blade, forcing Lith to block from an awkward position. Then, he had God of Nightstorm exploit the still-clashing blades as lightning rods.