
Time to Move (Part 1)

"Why the other cats just meow while you can talk?" Aran asked Reaper the Manticore, the King in the south.

"For the hundredth time, I'm not a cat!" Reaper tried to appear scary, but the four years old kid failed to notice his deadly fangs, only focusing on the soft mane on the Manticore's lion head, the big round eyes of the feline, and the long whiskers on its snout.

"You're so fluffy." Leria hugged the Emperor Beast's side, destroying the last remnants of his dignity while she climbed on his back and played with his feathered wings.

"Kids are amazing." Phloria was laughing her ass off at the sight of Reaper's miserable expression while the children tried to interest him in their games and toys.

"My soldiers would wet their pants being surrounded by magical beasts like that, whereas…" She pointed at the kids now divided in two teams of three each for their next game.