
Tiamat Fear (Part 1)

'We can't risk a Demon rising from the shadow of a hostage and rescuing them. The moment we meet Verhen, play bad guy and then kill the prisoner in front of him. The angrier he gets, the less prone he will be to call and wait for reinforcements.

'We need him dumb and frenzied so that we can kill him quickly and get out of here. I don't want to go out in a blaze of glory. I don't give a fuck about being celebrated. I want to get out of here as undead as I got in, understand?' The Ghoul said via hand signs.

The warning was mostly perfunctory since creatures as ancient as those assassins had long since lost any warrior honor or naïve concept of fair fight. As long as they won, they could make themselves appear as heroic and noble as they wanted.

Their dead opponents couldn't tell their side of the story and the truth would be whatever the winner wanted.