
The Village (Part 3)

"Stand up, vermin." With a snap of Lith's fingers, the two marauders' corpses came back to life, sending the whole room into a panic.

"Last chance. Face against the wall or die." Most of the slaves took those words as their cue. They tossed away the food trays they were holding, jumped off the lap of their masters, or just stopped standing like dolls and rushed to the nearest wall.

Whoever tried to stop them was struck by an ice bullet in the middle of the forehead and raised from the grave.

"You can't be serious!" One of the leaders, a muscular man almost 2 meters (6'7") tall, stood up with an indignant expression on his face and a huge enchanted great sword in his hand.

"Mage or non mage, there's thirty of us and just one of you. You can't hope to come out of here alive!"