
The Village (Part 2)

The kids were covered with thick blankets to protect them from the cold, since they were completely naked. Looking at the bloodstains on the sheets and the pavement, Solus felt aghast realizing the kids were left "ready to use."

Lith approached the man without emitting a sound. He used his Hush spell to make sure no one would disturb them. The guy was tall, at least 1.78 meters, wearing warm fur clothes and a broadsword on his side.

Lith smirked noticing the blade was not enchanted. He was eager to put his new body to test.

"Good evening, sir. What is the name of this village?" Lith asked with the casual tone he would use to converse about the weather.

The man turned around while unsheathing his sword. His pale skin became even whiter for the surprise, but his movements were smooth. The slash missed Lith's nose by a whisker.