
The Reply (Part 2)

"The evidence will clear any doubt a member of the Royal Court may have. Especially once verified on the other end." Lith said and Meron nodded for him to continue.

"As for the judging them…" He loved the euphemism. "Are you aware of my Call of the Void bloodline ability, Your Majesty?"

"You mean the one that eradicated the Undead Courts in Derios and almost eclipsed the Kingdom on the day your daughter was born? Of course." The King had also witnessed the Call of the Void in Verendi, but he preferred not to make any mention of that massacre or Tyris' warning.

"I'm going to use it again." Lith continued. "Anything else would take too long and would endanger the civilians."

"Are you sure this is how you want to deal with the problem, Magus Verhen?" Meron asked.