
The Red Sun (Part 2)

"No, but it means that this is not a good moment to talk. He's gone rogue. I need to establish a safe zone. I'll call you back as soon as I can." Lith replied.

'Way ahead of you.' Solus opened a Warp Steps leading to the nearest mana geyser. She took her tower form and activated all the cloaking and defensive mechanisms at her disposal.

Only after Lith was inside the tower and they were ready to tower Warp at a moment's notice did he contact Kamila. Meanwhile, his words had shaken the control room and Commander Berion had ordered to pinpoint the traitorous Ranger.

"I'm sorry, sir. Ranger Acala is out of range. I can't provide you with nothing but general information." The young lieutenant Guyles had his mouth as dry as the desert.

A Ranger going rogue was hardly their handler's fault, but depending on the gravity of the betrayal and the bad news he brought, Guyles was afraid the high command would demand someone to take the blame.