
The Price of Progress (Part 2)

'The Hydras will bear all the risks and we'll reap the benefits once the procedure is perfected. Sure, my people will evolve later, but what's a few more years after millennia of wait?' They other lesser Divine Beasts thought.

"Why aren't you in there, Friya?" Solus asked. "As a Harbinger, your life is at stake as well."

"Future Harbinger." Friya corrected her. "I'm not bound to Faluel yet and there is no guarantee the experiment will work. Unless Faluel is among the volunteers, I'm just a human like you."

"And what if she is?" Lith asked. "What would happen to you, then?"

"Best case scenario, if something goes wrong and Faluel dies, my pact is rescinded." Friya replied.

"I don't want Faluel to die!" Solus' heart throbbed.

"Me neither." Friya sighed. "Especially considering that the worst case scenario is that my pact is still valid and the Hydras kill me the moment something happens to Faluel."