
The Old Gang (Part 2)

Among the members of the Organization, Tezka and Bytra were the only ones who could cast Blade Spells even though the youngest of them was millennia old.

"Can you turn away someone wearing the First Queen's blessing?" Orion rapped his fist against the breastplate of the Royal Fortress armor, producing a silver bolt of lightning. "Someone who was born to be the Shield in the When All Are One array?"

"That's right, darling." Tessa flirtatiously caressed Vastor's shoulders as she moved to his back. "We have decided to put the old gang together. The Hydra, the Titania, Valeron…" She pointed at the Master who felt a cold shiver run down his spine.

"And our resident psychopath." She waved at Lith. "You are no Oghrom Gernoff but you're just as tricky. We need an Ernas to complete our formation. We need a Shield to guard you while you summon your army.