
The Long Game (Part 2)

"The non-human races can't afford to lose access to the First Tiamat so Lady Verhen's life is a threat to their future plans. Sure, they can access the children as well, but what if there's a special interaction with the various Awakened bloodlines that only Verhen can unlock?

"After all, Elysia's wings are normal and so are Tista's, Aran's, and Leria's whereas Verhen's are unique." Jiza showcased pictures of the kids from the Gala, of Tista from the battlefield, and Lith's Magus profile.

"It makes sense." Jirni pondered the Elder's words, finally finding the missing piece of the puzzle that had eluded her for so long.

She knew something was missing but she lacked the knowledge of the inner workings of Awakened bloodlines to understand what it was.