
The Last Word (Part 1)

Orpal unleashed his Blade Tier Spell, Shattered Moon, at the same moment Manohar released his own, Rogue Sun.

The silver blast from Thorn and the golden flash from Surgeon, Manohar's blade, clashed in mid-air, releasing a pulse of light that was visible not only from kilometers away, but even from space.

"That's interesting stuff, Nero." Inxialot the Lich King said while looking at the source of the brilliance from the garden of his secret lab, located on the surface of the moon.

"Indeed." The black cat spectated the fight through a telescope since he lacked his master's uncanny sight.

"Ho, ho, ho! It must be the isolation, but sometimes I swear that your meowling almost sounds like words." Inxialot laughed.

"Preposterous!" Nero laughed with him.

The Queen, however, didn't find the phenomenon amusing. Quite the contrary, it sent shivers down her spine.